Results of the Section ‘B’ of the Associate Membership Examinations of The Institution of Engineers,
Bangladesh held in the month of October, 2015 as approved by the Examination Committee, IEB,
Dhaka in its meeting held on 25/01/2016 are announced as under:
(i) The candidates bearing the following Roll Nos. are declared to have successfully completed the
Section ‘B’ of AMIE Examinations held in the month of October, 2015 in the respective branch of
Sl. Registration No. Roll No. Name of the Student Centre GPA
1. S/31418 3 Md. Amirul Islam Dhaka 2.25
2. S/44710 42 Md. Borhan Uddin Dhaka 2.41
3. S/47002 53 Sayfur Rahman Dhaka 2.59
4. S/48610 61 Md. Habibur Rahman Dhaka 2.50
5. S/48816 62 Fardusy Zannat Dhaka 2.28
6. S/50407 69 Md. Hafizur Rahman Dhaka 2.63
7. S/52859 89 Muhammad Golam Azam Dhaka 2.50
8. S/45336 106 Syed Nazmul Islam Chittagong 2.41
Sl. Registration No. Roll No. Name of the Student Centre GPA
1. S/46181 131 Md. Rashed Dhaka 2.41
2. S/53688 147 Md. Abdul Khalek Dhaka 2.56
3. S/53739 149 Md. Aman Ullah Dhaka 2.50
Sl. Registration No. Roll No. Name of the Student Centre GPA
1. S/37163 171 Washim Hossain Dhaka 2.81
2. S/38499 173 Md. Khairul Anam Nomani Tushar Dhaka 2.25
3. S/46073 198 Kazi Majeda Islam Dhaka 2.69
4. S/46343 202 Amdadul Haque Dhaka 2.44
5. S/49333 225 Muhammad Sulyman Hoque Dhaka 2.66
6. S/49430 228 Shafiqul Islam Dhaka 2.28
= 2 =
(ii) The candidates bearing the following Roll Nos. shown against each subject are declared to have
passed in the Examination held in the month of October, 2015.
1. Structural Analysis Roll Nos. : 31, 46, 56, 73, 79, 84, 86, 91, 92, 94,
97, 98, 101, 102, 112 = 15
2. Reinforced Concrete Structures Roll Nos. : 46, 47, 54, 63, 84, 86, 97, 100, 101,
102, 110 = 11
3. Structural Design Roll Nos. : 3, 11, 42, 53, 61, 62, 69, 70, 76, 89,
95, 97, 99, 105, 106, 109 = 16
4. Fluid Mechanics and Machineries Roll Nos. : 30, 36, 59, 72, 85, 88, 89, 95, 96, 98,
99 = 11
5. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Roll Nos. : 28, 46, 76, 79, 87, 89, 96, 97, 99, 110,
112 = 11
6. Computer Fundamentals Roll Nos. : 56, 99, 111, 112 = 04
7. Steel Structures Roll No. : 52 = 01
8. Sanitary and Water Supply Engineering Roll Nos. : 111 = 01
9. Techniques and Management of Building
Construction Roll Nos. : 37, 46, 47, 51, 54, 66, 77, 79, 84, 86,
94, 101, 102, 110, 115 = 15
10. Irrigation, Flood Control and Drainage Roll Nos. : 1, 22, 28, 64, 67, 73, 76, 79, 84, 86,
87, 88, 89, 98, 100, 110 = 16
1. Industrial Administration and Management Roll Nos. :131, 136, 149, 151 = 04
2. Applied Thermodynamics Roll Nos. : 135, 139, 149, 151, 153, 167 = 06
3. Machine Design Roll Nos. : 136, 137, 139, 145, 148, 149, 153,
164 = 08
4. Manufacturing Process Roll Nos. : 149, 151, 152 = 03
5. Theory of Machines Roll Nos. : 123, 139, 140, 142, 143, 149, 150,
152, 153, 155 = 10
6. Computer Fundamentals Roll Nos. : 136, 149, 153, 161, 166 = 05
7. Power Plant Engineering Roll Nos. : 133, 135, 140, 145, 149 = 05
8. Refrigeration and Airconditioning Roll Nos. : 122, 129, 135, 138, 139, 140, 143, 145, 147, 149,
150, 151, 152, 156 = 14
9. Fluid Mechanics and Machineries Roll No. : 156 = 01
1. Electrical Machines Roll Nos. : 172, 173, 198, 200, 203, 204, 223,
228, 229, 233, 239, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256,
261, 269, 271, 277, 278, 284, 285, 288 = 25
= 3 =
4. Network Analysis Roll Nos. : 188, 210, 216, 223, 229, 256, 261, 265,
267, 270, 284, 285, 287, 296 = 14
5. Measurement and Instrumentation Roll Nos. : 178, 203, 218, 231, 234, 235, 238, 239,
240, 241, 242, 245, 248, 249, 252, 260, 272, 273,
274, 278, 293, 294 = 22
6. Computer Fundamentals Roll Nos. : 171, 172, 176, 202, 225, 269, 271,
273, 274, 276, 284 = 11
7. Switch Gear and Protective Devices Roll Nos. : 197, 199, 278, 294 = 04
8. Power Station Roll Nos. 176, 180, 183, 197, 203, 209, 216, 223,
232, 236, 237, 238, 240, 247, 248, 251, 252, 253,
259, 261, 267, 272, 273, 274, 277, 281, 283, 288,
294 = 29
9. Power System Analysis Roll Nos. : 176, 232, 233, 246, 252, 255, 261, 262,
272 = 09
1. Industrial Stoichiometry Roll No.: 300 = 01
2. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Roll No.: 300 = 01
3. Computer Fundamentals Roll No.: 299 = 01
4. Fertilizer, Pulp and Paper Technology Roll No.: 301 = 01
5. Natural Gas and Refinery Engineering Roll No.: 298 = 01
(Professor Dr. Dipak Kanti Das)
Controller of Examinations, IEB
MEMO NO. HQ/IEB/EXAM/RESULT/OCTOBER,2015/2016/890 Dated : 25/01/2016
Copy to :
1. President, IEB
2. Vice-President (Academic & Int.)/(Admin. & Finance)/(HRD)/(S&W), IEB
3. Honorary General Secretary, IEB
4. Honorary Assistant General Secretary (Academic & Int.)/(Admin. & Finance)/(HRD)/ (S&W), IEB
5. Chairman/Secretary, All Engineering Divisional Committees, IEB
6. Chairman/Honorary Secretary, All Centres, IEB
7. Chairman/Secretary, All Sub Centres, IEB
8. All Members of the Examination Committee, IEB
9. Chairman, BPERB
10. Rector, ESCB
11. Training Manager, Training Wing, IEB
12. Honorary Managing Editor of IEB, with a request for publishing the result in the monthly bulletin of the IEB
13. Executive Officer, IEB
14. All Asstt. Executive Officers, IEB
15. All Section In-Charges, IEB
16. Notice Board, IEB
Results of the Section ‘A’ of the Associate Membership Examinations of The Institution of Engineers,
Bangladesh held in the month of October, 2015 as approved by the Examination Committee, IEB,
Dhaka in its meeting held on 25/01/2016 are announced as under:
(i) The candidates bearing the following Roll Nos. are declared to have successfully completed the
Section 'A’ of AMIE Examinations held in the month of October, 2015.
Sl. Registration No. Roll No. Name of the Student Branch Centre GPA
1. S/41402 24 Shahabuddin Chemical Dhaka 2.22
2. S/44250 42 Md. Abdul Momen Electrical Dhaka 2.22
3. S/45687 62 Sadequl Islam Electrical Dhaka 2.50
4. S/46385 79 Yousub Miah Mechanical Dhaka 2.28
5. S/47982 120 Mohammad Rasel Talukder Mechanical Dhaka 2.63
6. S/48745 145 Md. Mainul Islam Electrical Dhaka 2.44
7. S/48781 148 Farzana Akter Setu Electrical Dhaka 2.25
8. S/49942 175 Md. Abdur Razzak Mechanical Dhaka 2.31
9. S/50082 185 Md. Alomgir Hossain Electrical Dhaka 2.22
10. S/50098 187 Md. Rezaul Karim Electrical Dhaka 2.38
11. S/50229 191 Md. Shehab Uddin Electrical Dhaka 2.22
12. S/51519 239 Md. Mahbubur Rahman Masud Electrical Dhaka 2.50
13. S/52153 277 Md. Rajibul Alam Biplob Electrical Dhaka 2.44
14. S/52155 278 Md. Mintu Mia Mechanical Dhaka 2.31
15. S/52509 299 Md. Musleh Uddin Civil Dhaka 2.34
16. S/52544 300 Md. Billal Hossain Electrical Dhaka 2.44
17. S/52711 317 Abu Bakkar Siddiki Civil Dhaka 2.34
18. S/52790 326 Md. Firoz Imran Electrical Dhaka 3.28
19. S/52874 333 Md. Shahidul Islam Electrical Dhaka 3.13
20. S/53194 343 Md. Jasim Uddin Electrical Dhaka 2.56
21. S/53472 368 Md. Solayman Hossain Civil Dhaka 2.22
22. S/54289 426 S. M. Salequl Alam Civil Dhaka 2.41
23. S/54606 444 Jewel Civil Dhaka 2.22
24. S/54725 455 Md. Nazrul Islam Electrical Dhaka 2.50
25. S/54991 473 Md. Harun Or Rashid Mechanical Dhaka 2.63
= 2 =
Sl. Registration No. Roll No. Name of the Student Branch Centre GPA
31. S/56302 602 Shravon Sheikh Bijoy Electrical Dhaka 2.53
32. S/56701 637 Azhar Mahmud Civil Dhaka 2.25
33. S/57192 683 Md. Abdus Sattar Electrical Dhaka 2.97
34. S/57261 696 Md. Rezaunur Rahman Civil Dhaka 2.56
35. S/57266 698 Md. Shahin Alam Mechanical Dhaka 2.88
36. S/57277 702 Md. Akram Uddin Electrical Dhaka 2.84
37. S/57399 731 Muntasir Ahmed Himu Mechanical Dhaka 2.50
38. S/57413 733 Md. Shahalam Roni Electrical Dhaka 2.66
39. S/57451 741 Rayhan Alam Mechanical Dhaka 2.38
40. S/57466 744 Md. Saidur Rahman Civil Dhaka 2.31
41. S/57485 749 Ishtiak Ahmed Electrical Dhaka 3.13
42. S/57950 775 Md. Joshim Uddin Civil Dhaka 2.31
43. S/58116 800 Md. Abdul Hadi Electrical Dhaka 2.75
44. S/58159 805 Md. Mezanur Rahman Mechanical Dhaka 2.38
45. S/58241 817 Sohel Rana Electrical Dhaka 2.69
46. S/58270 828 Md. Saddam Hosen Civil Dhaka 2.69
47. S/58276 831 Biplob Chandro Paul Mechanical Dhaka 2.78
48. S/58394 849 Ali Asjar Electrical Dhaka 2.28
49. S/58440 858 Md. Saifur Rahman Electrical Dhaka 2.88
50. S/58755 908 Md. Khalid Mahmud Shawon Electrical Dhaka 2.97
51. S/49642 1311 Md. Newaz Sharif Mechanical Chittagong 2.38
52. S/51432 1322 Md. Monir Hossen Mechanical Chittagong 2.53
53. S/53048 1357 Shahadat Hussain Civil Chittagong 2.44
54. S/54416 1386 Md. Borhan Uddin Suman Electrical Chittagong 2.63
55. S/54672 1399 Mohammad Golam Kibrea Electrical Chittagong 2.53
56. S/55222 1410 Mohammad Asif Kamal Electrical Chittagong 2.72
57. S/53123 1629 Tahidul Islam Mechanical Khulna 2.88
58. S/54108 1636 M. A. Mannan Electrical Khulna 2.47
59. S/57612 1646 Md. Mahabubur Rahaman Electrical Khulna 2.63
60. S/46969 1681 Md. Delwar Hossain Mechanical Rajshahi 2.44
= 3 =
* The following student passed individually in eight subjects (including October 2015 Term)
of Section "A" but the GPA is below 2.20. They are, therefore, declared "NOT PASSED".
Sl. No. Registration No. Roll No. Name of the Student Branch Centre GPA
1. S/40674 13 Md. Alamgir Hossain Electrical Dhaka 2.13
2. S/44110 40 Md. Shafiul Alam Electrical Dhaka 2.19
3. S/48576 134 Md. Jahirul Islam Electrical Dhaka 2.09
4. S/48909 152 Sirazul Islam Electrical Dhaka 2.13
5. S/54900 468 Md. Salim Ahamed Mechanical Dhaka 2.06
6. S/55087 484 Md. Ariful Islam Civil Dhaka 2.19
7. S/56261 596 Saidul Islam Civil Dhaka 2.16
8. S/52966 1342 Md. Yousuf Civil Chittagong 2.16
9. S/54357 1378 Jannatul Ferdaus Electrical Chittagong 2.19
10. S/55401 1438 Anupam Dey Electrical Chittagong 2.19
(ii) The candidates bearing the following Roll Nos. shown against each subject are declared to have
passed in the Examination held in the month of October, 2015.
1. Engineering Mathematics Roll Nos. : 14, 25, 86, 95, 100, 126, 174, 219, 236, 238, 244,
245, 249, 251, 266, 268, 275, 276, 282, 310, 312, 320, 335,
358, 379, 395, 397, 407, 414, 420, 442, 452, 463, 472, 501,
516, 522, 527, 546, 549, 552, 560, 563, 564, 575, 601, 604,
609, 610, 613, 624, 627, 633, 634, 635, 642, 648, 657, 668,
669, 700, 705, 707, 709, 720, 734, 735, 739, 740, 754, 763,
767, 771, 773, 777, 779, 781, 784, 788, 793, 798, 801, 805,
819, 826, 833, 842, 846, 856, 876, 879, 881, 902, 903, 906,
910, 911, 914, 916, 920, 925, 927, 930, 932, 935, 950, 954,
955, 956, 960, 961, 972, 974, 978, 980, 982, 984, 985, 990,
991, 994, 995, 997, 1000, 1001, 1005, 1007, 1008, 1010, 1012,
1015, 1022, 1029, 1033, 1037, 1040, 1045, 1047, 1050, 1060,
1064, 1065, 1069, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1079, 1080, 1082, 1083,
1085, 1086, 1091, 1098, 1100, 1118, 1119, 1121, 1126, 1128,
1131, 1134, 1138, 1143, 1145, 1149, 1153, 1156, 1167, 1169,
1174, 1178, 1181, 1182, 1183, 1187, 1189, 1191, 1193, 1195,
1199, 1200, 1202, 1204, 1206, 1208, 1211, 1215, 1217, 1219,
1221, 1224, 1227, 1233, 1234, 1237, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1245,
1246, 1259, 1276, 1292, 1295, 1296, 1318, 1325, 1333, 1334,
1338, 1351, 1359, 1364, 1373, 1393, 1394, 1404, 1412, 1414,
1420, 1426, 1433, 1435, 1439, 1441, 1442, 1444, 1445, 1450,
1457, 1465, 1476, 1477, 1484, 1488, 1491, 1494, 1495, 1500,
1514, 1519, 1528, 1536, 1537, 1542, 1544, 1546, 1547, 1548,
1549, 1552, 1569, 1572, 1574, 1575, 1578, 1581, 1586, 1590,
1592, 1596, 1599, 1602, 1606, 1607, 1622, 1638, 1639, 1644,
1645, 1650, 1653, 1660, 1661, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1671,
1672, 1687, 1703, 1713, 1714, 1720, 1728, 1739, 1741, 1743,
1744 = 291
= 4 =
3. Engineering Mechanics Roll Nos. : 24, 120, 140, 145, 150, 151, 152, 187, 191, 221,
225, 227, 243, 247, 259, 281, 300, 319, 324, 326, 333, 339,
343, 348, 352, 365, 380, 399, 453, 503, 508, 526, 545, 548,
556, 560, 561, 578, 582, 583, 604, 607, 608, 612, 616, 630,
631, 637, 649, 651, 660, 661, 665, 666, 670, 681, 683, 702,
733, 741, 753, 769, 784, 794, 805, 813, 817, 842, 857, 863,
888, 908, 914, 918, 949, 984, 994, 1069, 1074, 1128, 1138,
1145, 1156, 1169, 1182, 1187, 1219, 1221, 1224, 1228, 1289,
1298, 1339, 1370, 1372, 1375, 1376, 1390, 1394, 1400, 1406,
1417, 1418, 1420, 1425, 1431, 1432, 1451, 1454, 1477, 1478,
1481, 1488, 1496, 1527, 1536, 1537, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1556,
1557, 1559, 1575, 1590, 1592, 1599, 1600, 1608, 1635, 1646,
1672, 1738 = 133
4. Basic Fluid Mechanics Roll Nos. : 67, 79, 88, 95, 101, 139, 141, 159, 171, 184, 189,
195, 208, 218, 225, 228, 243, 247, 255, 275, 285, 297, 301,
304, 324, 330, 333, 343, 346, 347, 359, 380, 390, 395, 420,
421, 425, 439, 468, 471, 485, 506, 509, 524, 527, 549, 557,
562, 566, 586, 589, 596, 608, 612, 624, 630, 635, 639, 643,
662, 664, 693, 695, 717, 720, 727, 732, 747, 748, 749, 752,
753, 754, 756, 771, 774, 783, 787, 797, 813, 823, 827, 831,
834, 844, 845, 865, 886, 888, 898, 908, 914, 918, 938, 1012,
1022, 1069, 1074, 1121, 1138, 1178, 1180, 1182, 1267, 1272,
1273, 1359, 1364, 1378, 1420, 1422, 1430, 1444, 1452, 1476,
1486, 1488, 1491, 1494, 1496, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1559, 1569,
1575, 1590, 1599, 1633, 1636, 1650, 1653, 1663, 1666, 1668,
1686, 1715, 1734, 1738 = 139
5. Strength of Materials Roll Nos. : 125, 167, 174, 221, 243, 247, 256, 280, 348, 399,
411, 415, 536, 572, 583, 586, 616, 631, 670, 678, 696, 720,
728, 732, 744, 758, 759, 760, 763, 771, 782, 826, 827, 840,
844, 845, 867, 949, 955, 1074, 1349, 1361, 1432, 1468 = 44
6. Geodesy Roll Nos. : 198, 225, 234, 259, 299, 325, 368, 426, 430, 485,
509, 536, 596, 625, 637, 721, 782, 836, 955, 1342, 1357,
1510, 1527 = 23
7. Engineering Drawing (Civil) Roll Nos. : 6, 9, 63, 75, 125, 128, 132, 168, 198, 236, 293,
303, 366, 396, 431, 453, 509, 592, 614, 637, 678, 696, 699,
730, 758, 760, 783, 828, 857, 860, 931, 933, 944, 1086, 1304,
1361, 1547 = 37
8. Engineering Drawing (ME/Ch E) Roll Nos. : 175, 252, 272, 499, 603, 731, 1120, 1149, 1152,
1348, 1412, 1452, 1455, 1542, 1572, 1592, 1666, 1738 = 18
9. Engineering Materials Roll Nos. : 125, 696, 775 = 03
10. Heat and Mass Transfer Roll Nos. : 79, 237, 255, 278, 316, 390, 395, 473, 537, 538,
664, 667, 698, 731, 741, 774, 788, 805, 831, 1291, 1311,
1322, 1493, 1629, 1681, 1718, 1727, 1738 = 28
11. Basic Electrical Engineering Roll Nos. : 21, 176, 635, 698, 779, 879, 882, 884, 935, 957,
990, 1005, 1019, 1085, 1100, 1114, 1121, 1123, 1126, 1152,
1211, 1212, 1237, 1285, 1296, 1351, 1363, 1392, 1489, 1493,
1519, 1546, 1556, 1559, 1572, 1575, 1576, 1580, 1581, 1583,
1592, 1599, 1602, 1606, 1663, 1666, 1672 = 47
12. Science of Materials Roll Nos. : 244, 252, 390, 482, 499, 538, 620, 698, 731, 805,
= 5 =
14. Elementary Electrical Engineering Roll Nos. : 13, 40, 42, 90, 134, 148, 164, 219, 268, 283, 290,
407, 423, 467, 557, 563, 601, 609, 679, 694, 749, 752, 766,
793, 795, 815, 866, 870, 927, 930, 950, 956, 972, 981, 984,
995, 998, 999, 1002, 1008, 1012, 1015, 1017, 1022, 1028,
1033, 1037, 1050, 1056, 1064, 1069, 1076, 1082, 1083, 1091,
1118, 1142, 1143, 1146, 1148, 1156, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1177,
1178, 1183, 1184, 1187, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1204, 1207, 1208,
1219, 1221, 1224, 1225, 1227, 1233, 1234, 1240, 1241, 1245,
1254, 1257, 1413, 1511, 1532, 1536, 1553, 1569, 1578, 1596,
1607, 1660, 1664, 1665, 1668, 1673, 1711, 1743 = 103
15. Elementary Electronics Roll Nos. : 13, 96, 115, 266, 267, 289, 336, 361, 367, 405,
419, 454, 500, 520, 521, 533, 559, 563, 568, 569, 602, 609,
615, 657, 683, 684, 690, 693, 707, 722, 746, 749, 792, 793,
795, 808, 815, 856, 876, 901, 903, 904, 920, 976, 978, 980,
991, 1022, 1037, 1064, 1065, 1069, 1076, 1082, 1091, 1142,
1143, 1156, 1173, 1183, 1187, 1193, 1204, 1227, 1233, 1241,
1368, 1375, 1383, 1393, 1413, 1459, 1483, 1511, 1529, 1532,
1569, 1644, 1650, 1702, 1703, 1706, 1719, 1744 = 84
16. Prop. & Mechanics of Materials Roll Nos. : 16, 62, 115, 122, 123, 143, 187, 191, 199, 202,
211, 228, 263, 275, 300, 307, 309, 327, 333, 358, 394, 414,
472, 489, 513, 515, 526, 528, 541, 597, 602, 605, 608, 610,
630, 645, 666, 683, 702, 717, 727, 735, 746, 748, 749, 804,
810, 817, 823, 830, 847, 849, 858, 881, 908, 924, 939, 994,
1173, 1233, 1265, 1298, 1303, 1333, 1375, 1376, 1386, 1390,
1399, 1406, 1410, 1438, 1442, 1459, 1482, 1487, 1536, 1615,
1636, 1640, 1646, 1687, 1710 = 83
Reported :
S/59605, Roll : 1016
Section “A”, Dhaka Centre
October, 2015
(Professor Dr. Dipak Kanti Das)
Controller of Examinations, IEB
MEMO NO. HQ/IEB/EXAM/RESULT/OCTOBER,2015/2016/891 Dated : 25/01/2016
Copy to :
1. President, IEB
2. Vice-President (Academic & Int.)/(Admin. & Finance)/(HRD)/(S&W), IEB
3. Honorary General Secretary, IEB
4. Honorary Assistant General Secretary (Academic & Int.)/(Admin. & Finance)/(HRD)/ (S&W), IEB
5. Chairman/Secretary, All Engineering Divisional Committees, IEB
6. Chairman/Honorary Secretary, All Centres, IEB
7. Chairman/Secretary, All Sub Centres, IEB
8. All Members of the Examination Committee, IEB
9. Chairman, BPERB
10. Rector, ESCB
11. Training Manager, Training Wing, IEB |