On 19th September 2016 Monday, the Royal Engineering Academy (REA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Shifa-E-Ashrafia Foundation, at the office of the Director, REA, to launch ‘Dr. S. M. A. Momin Gold Medal Award’ for the AMIE students of the Royal Instutite of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (RIEEE) , Institute of Civil Engineering (RICE), Institute of Mechanical Engineering (RIME) & Institute of Chemical Engineering (RIChE), Royal Engineering Academy.
In the gracious presence of Engr Syed Mir Talha Zobaed, Honourable Director of REA, Syed Mir Pavel Abdullah, Registrar, REA, and Dr. S. M. A. Momin, Trustee, Shifa-E-Ashrafia Foundation signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations.
The salient features of this award are:
The award will consist of, a Gold medal of Half-bhori, plus Cash of Tk 10,000/= and a Merit certificate for each awardees.
Awards will be conferred on those who secure CGPA >= 3.75 in the AMIE (Section A & B) Examinations conducted by the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB).
The awards presentation will take place once a year on the back of results declared that year.
The candidates for this award must be regular students, without any break in studies, in the Royal Engineering Academy. There shall be no record of disciplinary action by the Academy against the candidates.
Every effort will be made by the Royal Engineering Academy to combine the awards ceremony with the annual freshers’ reception and a parallel farewell reception to outgoing alumni. The Foundation will contribute towards the cost of any such cultural programme tagged on to the main awards presentation ceremony against a budget to be placed with the Foundation by the RIEEE, RICE, RIME, RIChE, Royal Engineering Academy.
Last Update: 30/09/2016