CE Essential Books List

সিভিল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং এর কিছু দরকারি বই

1 A Course in Civil Engineering Drawing Sikka, V. B.
2 A course in docks and harbour engineering Bindra, Dr. S. P.
3 A course in Highway engineering Bindra,S.P.
4 A Practical Guide on Construction Drawings and Reinforcement Detailing Iqbal,S.
5 Engineering drawing : Geometrical drawing Gill, P. S.
6 A textbook of estimating and costing (civil): Including accounts and building bye-laws Kohli, D. D.
7 A textbook of railway engineering Saxena,  S. C.
8 A textbook of transportation engineering Chandola, S. P.
9 A textbook of Water Power Engineering: Including dams engineering, hydrology and fluid power engg. Sharma, R. K.
10 A textbook on basic civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics with practical’s and viva Gupta, J. P.
11 A textbook Of Engineering and General Geology Singh, P.
12 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design Varghese,P.C.
13 Advanced technical communication Tyagi, Kavita
14 Basic civil engineering Hiraskar, G. K.
15 Basic Communication Skills For Technology Rutherfoord, A.J
16 Building Construction Rangwala
17 Building construction handbook Mathur, S.
18 Building materials Varghese, P. C.
19 Civil Estimating & Costing: Including quantity surveying, tendering and valuation Upadhyay, A. K.
20 Concise handbook of Civil Engineering Vazirani, V. N.
21 Concrete  Technology Rethaliya,R.P.
22 Concrete technology: Theory and practice Gambhir, M L
23 Concrete technology: Theory and practice Shetty, M. S.
24 Construction management and  P.W.D Accounts Lal, D.
25 Construction of structures and management of works Rangala
26 Construction project planning and scheduling Patrick, Charles
27 Construction Project scheduling and Control Mubarak, Saleh
28 Construction Technology Bryan, T.
29 Design Graphics: Drawing techniques for design professionals Koenig, P. A.
30 Design of concrete structures Bandyopadhyay, J. N.
31 Design of reinforced concrete foundations Verghese, P. C.
32 Design of reinforced concrete shells and folded plates Verghese, P. C.
33 Design of reinforced concrete structures Gambhir, M. L.
34 Design Of Small Dams United states department of the interior
35 Design Of Steel Structures Sai Ram,K.S.
36 Design of steel structures Dayaratnam, P.
37 Design of steel structures Segui, William
38 Dynamics of Structures Paultre, Patrick
39 Dynamics Of Structures Theory and applications to earthquake engineering Chopra, A.K.
40 Earthquake Engineering For Structural Design Mathur,S.
41 Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Sharma,N.
42 Earthquake resistant design of structures Agarwal, Pankaj
43 Earthquake-resistant design of masonry building tomazevic, Miha
44 Electrical engineering fundamentals Toro, Vincent Del
45 Elements of bridge tunnel and railway engineering Bindra,S.P.
46 Water: Culture, Politics and Management Vatsyayan, Kapila
47 Elements of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Raikar, R. V.
48 Elements of civil engineering and engineering Mechanics Prakash, M. N. Shesha
49 Engineering Fluid Mechanics Balachandran,P.
50 Engineering Fluid Mechanics Kumar,K.L.
51 Engineering in rocks for slopes, foundations and tunnels Ramamurthy, T.
52 Engineering management: Challenges in the new millennium Chang, C. M.
53 English For Engineers Abidi,A.
54 Estimating, Costing And Valuation Rangwala, S.C.
55 Fluid flow in pipes and channels Asawa, G. L
56 Fluid Mechanics Pnueli, D.
57 Fluid Mechanics Kumar, D. S.
58 Foundation design in practice Ghosh, Karuna Moy
59 Foundation engineering Varghese, P. C.
60 Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing: With an introduction to interactive Computer graphic for Design Luzadder, Warren J.
61 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics Munson,B.R.
62 Fundamentals of reinforced concrete Sina, N. C.
63 Fundamentals of reinforced concrete design Gambhir, M. L.
64 Fundamentals Of Soil Dynamics and earthquake engineering Prasad,B.B.
65 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis West, Harry H.
66 Fundamentals of structural analysis: With computer analysis and applications Roy, Sujit Kumar
67 Fundamentals of surveying Roy, S. K.
68 Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices Coduto, Donald P.
69 Geotechnical Engineering (Soil Mechanics) Ramamurthy,T.N.
70 Groundwater hydrology Todd, David Keith
71 Groundwater management: Sustainable approaches Bhatnagar, Meenu
72 Handbook of soil analysis: Mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods Pansu, Marc
73 Harbor, dock and tunnel engineering Srinivasan,R.
74 Highway Engineering Wright, Paul H.
75 Hydraulics and Pneumatics Upadhyay, A. K.
76 Hydrology and soil conservation engineering: Including watershed management Das, Ghanshyam
77 Hydrology and water resources of india Jain, sharad K.
78 Indian Practical Civil Engineering's Handbook Khanna, P. N.
79 Industrial waste water treatment Patwardhan, A. D.
80 Introduction to hydraulics and pneumatics Ilango, S.
81 Introduction to Hydrology Viessman, Jr. Warren
82 Irrigation and drainage engineering Siddiqui, Iqtidar H.
83 Irrigation and water power engineering Das, Madan Mohan
84 Irrigation engineering & hydraulic structures Sahasrabudhe, S. R.
85 Irrigation Engineering : Including hydrology Sharma, R. K.
86 Limit state design in structural steel Shiyekar, M. R.
87 Limit state design of reinforced concrete Varghese, P. C.
88 Managing the Construction Process: Estimating, Scheduling, and Project Control Gould, Frederick
89 Manual of Soil analysis: Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation Margesin, Rosa
90 Mastering: AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Omura, George
91 Mechanics of structures Vol.2: Theory and analysis of structures Junnarkar, S. B.
92 Microsoft Office Project 2003 Chatfield,C.
93 Practical design of reinforced concrete structures Ghosh, K. M.
94 Principles and practice of bridge engineering Bindra, S. P.
95 Principles and practice of soil science: The soil as a natural resource White, Robert E.
96 Principles of highway engineering and traffic analysis Mannering , Fred L.
97 Principles of pavement design Yoder, E. J.
98 Principles of tunneling, ports and harbours Singh, P
99 Principles of water and wastewater treatment Gaur, P. K.
100 Professional Communication Tyagi,K.
101 Properties of Concrete Neville, A. M.
102 Question bank Civil Engineering Murty, V. S.
103 R.C.C. design and drawing Sharma, N.
104 Principles Of Railway Engineering Rangwala, S. C.
105 Reinforced Concrete Vol-1 Shah,H.J.
106 Soil and foundation engineering Upadhyay, A.K.
107 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Schwab, G.O.
108 Soil mechanics & foundation engineering Raj, P. Purushothama
109 Soils in construction Schroeder, W. L.
110 Stability analysis and design of structures Gambhir, M. L.
111 Steel structures: Design and drawing Upadhayay, A. K.
112 Strength of Materials Upadhyay, A. K.
113 Strength of Materials Chakraborti, M.
114 Strength of Materials structures Case, John
115 Strength of Materials Upadhyay, A. K.
116 Strength of Materials Singh, Surendra
117 Strength of Materials: Mechanics of solids Kumar, Ranjan
118 Strength of Materials Chakraborti, M.
119 Structural analysis Das, Madan Mohan
120 Structural analysis: In theory and practice Williams, Alan
121 Structural Design in Steel Raz, Sarwar Alam
122 Structural mechanics Upadhyay, A. K.
123 Structures Schodek, D. L.
124 Surveying Saikia, Mimi Das
125 Surveying Bannister, Arthur
126 Surveying and Leveling (Part 2) Kanetkar, T.P.
127 Technical Communication A Practical approach Pfeeiffer,W. S.
128 Technical Writing Basu,B.N
129 Technical Writing Process And  Product Gerson,S.J.
130 Textbook of geotechnical engineering Khan, Iqbal H.
131 Textbook of soil mechanics and foundation engineering Murty, V. N. S.
132 The Seismic Design Handbook Naeim, Farzad
133 Theoretical foundation engineering Das,B.M.
134 Theory and practice of foundation design Som, N. N.
135 Theory of Structures Khurmi, R. S.
136 Transportation Engineering Upadhyay, A. K.
137 Transportation engineering: An Introduction Khisty, C. jotin
138 Tunnel engineering Saxena, Subash C.
139 Turbulent flow Garde, R. J.
140 Understanding concept of structural analysis and design Parikh, Janak P.
141 Valuation of real properties Rangwala
142 Water And Waste water Systems Ahluwalia, P.
143 Water and wastewater technology Hammer, Mark J.
144 Elements of civil engineering Kandya, Anurag A.
145 Water Resources Engineering Wurbs,R.A
146 Water resources engineering Sahasrabudhe, S. R.
147 Water supply and pollution control Viessman, Warren
148 Water supply in rural india (policy and programmed) Ghosh, G.
149 Water Works Engineering Planning, design and operation Qasim,S.R.
150 Soil mechanics Lambe, T. William
151 Basic civil engineering Gopi, Sathees
152 Building practice: Civil engineering Singh, Suraj
153 Estimating construction costs Peurifoy, Robert, L.
154 Prestressed concrete bridgrs Raju , N. Krishna.
155 Road infrastructure : Issue and implications Date, Vivek
156 Quality management of cement concrete construction Gahlot, PS
157 Soil survey manual United state department
158 Transport planning and traffic engineering Flaherty, C. A. O.
159 Textbook of soil mechanics and foundation engineering Murthy, V. N. S.
160 Pavement analysis and design Huang, Yang, H.
161 Integrated life cycle design of structures Sarja, Asko
162 Structural analysis Das, Madan Mohan
163 Transportation Engineering and Planning Papacostas, C.S.
164 Principles of transportation engineering Chakroborty, Partha
165 Theory and practice of water and wastewater treatment Droste, Ronald
166 Highway Engineering Wright, Paul H.
167 A dictionary of civil engineering Ghose, D. N.
168 Bridge Maintenance, safety and management Mathur, Sanjeev
169 Soil mechanics & foundation engineering Raj, P. Purushothama
170 Structural plasticity: Limit, shakedown and dynamic plastic anayses of structures Yu, Maohong
171 Basic  engineering mechanics and strength of materials Das,Madan,Mohan
172 Elements of civil engineering Saikia, Mimi, Das
173 Analysis and design practice of steel structures Ghosh, Karuna Moy
174 Soil mechanics and foundation engineering Kalita, Utsav chandra
175 Surveying Saikia, Mimi Das
176 Elementary engineering surveying Ghosh, J. K.
177 Reinforced concrete: Handbook for building design limit state & working stress methods of design Krishnamurthy, D.
178 Cities and urban life Macionis, John J.
179 Canal design and construction Bairathi, V.K.
180 Experiments in hydraulic engineering Singh, Sarbjit
181 Strength of Materials Srivastava, A. K.
182 Basics of the Engineering Drawing Engr. Siddiqi, Zahid Ahmed
183 Engineering Drawing: Plane and Solid Geometry Bhatt, N. D.
184 Engineering Drawing: with an introduction to AutoCad Jolhe, Dhananjay A

ইলেকট্রিক্যাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং এর কিছু দরকারি বই

Books Related to Electrical Engineering
264 Network Analysis Valkenburg, M. E.Van
265 Antenna and Wave Propagation Yadava, R. L.
266 Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications Tan, Li
267 Signals and Systems for Bioengineers: A Matlab-Based Introduction Semmlow, John
268 Microwave Engineering Pozar,David M
269 Fundamentals of Logic Design Roth, Charles  H.
270 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives Veltman, Andre
271 Signals Systems and Transforms Phillips, Charles L.
272 Electric Machines and Electric Drives: Problems with Solution De, Nisit k.
273 Signals and Systems using Matlab Chaparro, Luis F.
274 Fundamentals of Electric Drives Mohammed A. El-Sharkawi,
275 Wireless Communications and Networking Garg, Vijay K.
276 Digital Logic: Applications and Design Yarbrough, John M.
277 Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Zhao Feng
278 Surface Acoustic Wave Devices in Telecommunications: Modeling and Simulation Hashimoto, Ken-ya
279 Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications Sklar, Bernard
280 Digital Signal Processing: A Practice Guide for Engineering and Scientists Smith, Steven W.
281 Digital Signal Processing: A Modern Introduction Ambardar, Ashok
282 Digital Signal Processing White, Steve
283 Power Electronics: Principle & Applications Jacob, J. Michael
284 Embedded Systems Design Heath, Steve
285 Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types and Applications Hughes, Austin
286 Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing Stojmenovic, Ivan
287 AD Hoc Networks: technologies and Protocols Mohapatra, Prasant
288 Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design Yeap, Gary
289 Mobile Ad HOC Networks: Energy-Efficient Real-Time Data Communication Tavli, Bulent
290 Power System Operation and Control Sivanagaraju, S.
291 PIC Microcontrollers: An Introduction to Microelectronics Bates, Martin
292 Digital Design: An Embedded Systems Approach Using Verilog Ashenden, Peter J.
293 Sound and Structural Vibration: Radiation, Transmission and response Fahy, Frank
294 RFID Security and Privacy: Concepts, Protocols, and Architectures Henrici, Dirk
295 Multimedia Communication: Components, Techniques, Standards Kumar, Krishna
296 Analog Communication: Simplified Approach Bhat, K. N. Hari
297 Basic Electrical Engineering Murthy, R. S. Ananda
298 Generation and Utilization of Electrical Energy Sivanagaraju, S.
299 Mobile Computing: Theory and Practice Garg, Kumkum
300 Digital Communication Techniques Chitode, J. S.
301 Wireless and Mobile Networks: Concepts and Protocols Manvi, Sunilkumar S.
302 Electronic Devices and Circuits Maini, Anil K.
303 Network Fundamentals and Analysis Kaduskar, R. G.
304 Telecommunication System Engineering Freeman, Roger L.
305 Elements of Electrical Power Station Design Deshpande
306 Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation Ghosh, Arun K.
307 Fundamentals of Power system Protection Paithankar, Y. G.
308 An Introduction to High voltage Engineering Ray, Subir
309 Digital Electronics: Logic and System Bignell, James
310 Engineering Electromagnetic Shen, Liang Chi
311 Principles of Digital Systems Design Rorh, Charles H.
312 Basic Electrical Engineering singh, S. N.
313 Circuit Design and Simulation with VHDL Pedroni, Volnei A.
314 Control system Design Goodwin, Graham C.
315 Digital Communication Techniques: Signal Design and Detection Communication System Architecture Simon, Marvin K.
316 Problem Solving for Wireless Sensor Networks: Computer Communications and Networks Garcia-Herando, Ana-Belen
317 Biomedical Instruments: Theory and Design Welkowitz, Walter
318 Microwave & Wireless Communication Technology Carr, Joseph J.
319 Signals and Systems Kumar, A. Anand
320 Linear and Nonlinear Programming Luenberger, David G.
321 Telecommunication Switching, Traffic and Networks Flood, J. E.
322 An Introduction to Broadband Networks: Lan, Man, ATM, B-ISDN, and Optical Networks for Integrated Acampora, Anthony S.
323 Microwave & Wireless Communication Technology Carr, Joseph J.
324 A Course in  Computer Networks Sharma, Dr. Sanjay
325 A Course in Electrical Power Gupta, J. B.
326 A Course in Electrical Technology:  Basic  Electrical Engineering Gupta, J. B.
327 A Course in Electrical Technology:  Electrical Machine Gupta, J. B.
328 A Course in Electrical Technology:  Electronic Devices & Circuits Gupta, J. B.
329 A Course in Power Systems Gupta, J. B.
330 A first course in Digital Systems Design: An Integrated Approach Uyemura, John P.
331 Electrical Technology Gupta, J. B.
332 Ad Hoc Wireless Networks : Architectures and Protocols Murthy, C. Siva Ram
333 Advanced Mobile Computing Sharma, Vishnu
334 Advanced Power System: Analysis and Dynamics Singh, L. P.
335 An Introduction to High voltage Engineering Ray, Subir
336 An introduction to Reactive power control and voltage stability in power transmission systems Chakrabarti, Abhijit
337 Analysis of electric Machinery and Drive Systems Krause, Paul C.
338 Antenna Theory: Analysis and design Balanis, Constantine A.
339 Antenna and Wave Propagation and TV Engineering Gautam, A. K.
340 Applied Design of Experiments and Taguchi Methods Krishnaiah, K.
341 Basic Circuit Theory Huelsman, Lawrence P.
342 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Gupta, J. B.
343 Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis Irwin, J David
344 Biomedical signal Analysis: Contemporary Method and Applications Theis, Fabian J.
345 CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuit and Systems Perspective Weste, Neil H. E.
346 Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Architectures Garcia, Alberto Leon
347 Communication system Design Using DSP Algorithms: With Laboratory Experiments for the TMS320C67413.. Tretter, Steven A.
348 Communication Systems : An Introduction to Signals and Noise In Electrical Communication Carlson,A. Bruce
349 Computer Networks Tanenbaum,Andrew S.
350 Computer System Architecture Mano, M. Morris
351 Data Communication Networks Sharma, Sanjy
352 Data communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A
353 Data Communications and Networks Godbole, Achyut S
354 Data Communications and Networks Godbole, Achyut S
355 Data Mining and data warehousing Kumar, Dr. Sachin
356 Design of Transformers Dasgupta, Indrajit
357 Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications Sklar, Bernard
358 Digital Processing Of Speech Signals Rabiner, L.R
359 Digital Signal Processing : A Computer Based Approach Mitra, Sanjit K
360 Digital signal Processors: Architecture, Programming and Application Pallavi, Andhe
361 Electric Energy-Generation, Utilization and Conservation Sivanagaraju, S.
362 Electric Power Distribution Pabla, Amarjit singh
363 Electrical Power Distribution and Transmission Faulkenberry, Luces M.
364 Electrical Power Distribution Systems Kamaraju, V
365 Electrical Power Systems: Analysis, Security and Deregulation Venkatesh, P.
366 Electricity, Magnetism, and light Saslow,Wayne M.
367 Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory Boylestad, Robert L.
368 Electronic Devices and Circuits: An introduction Mottershead
369 Electronic Devices: Conventional Current Version Floyd, Thomas L.
370 Electronics: A Systems approach Storey, Neil
371 Embedded Systems Design Marriwala, Nikhil
372 Engineering Economy Khan, Zahid A.
373 Engineering Economy Sullivan, William G.
374 Engineering Electromagnetic Hayt, William H.
375 Engineering Mechanics Statics & Dynamics Hibbeler, R. C.
376 Fiber Optic Communications Palais, Joseph
377 Field and Wave Electromagnetic Cheng, David K.
378 Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory Reitz, John R.
379 Fundamentals of Analog Circuits Floyd,Thomas L.
381 Fundamentals of Network analysis & Synthesis Soni, K. M.
382 Fundamentals of Radar, Sonar and Navigation Engineering (With Guidance ) Sharma, K. K
383 Basic Electronics Schultz, Mitchel E
384 High Voltage Engineering Naidu ,M.S
385 Interactive Computer Graphics: A top-down approach using open GL Angel, Edward
386 Internet and Web Designing Pandey, Adesh Kumar
387 Introduction to bioinformatics Attwood, Teresa, K.
388 Introduction to Data Mining Tan, Pang-Ning
389 Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Systems, Applications Niku,Saeed B.
390 Electronic Communication Systems Kennedy, George
391 Machine Design: An Integrated Approach Norton, Robert L.
392 Mechanics of Materials (SI Units) Hibbeler, R. C.
393 Mems and Moems technology and Applications Choudhury, Rai P.
394 Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms Millman, Jacob
395 Modern Digital Signal Processing: Includes Signals and Systems MATLAB Programs Udayashankara, V.
396 Modern Electronics Anand, M. L.
397 Modern Power system Analysis Kothari, D P
398 Modern Wireless Communication Haykin, Simon
399 Multimedia Garg, Er. Rachit
400 Multimedia: System, Technology & Communication Pandey, Sujata
401 Network analysis and synthesis Gupta, B. R.
402 Optical Fiber Communications: Principle and Practice Senior, John M.
403 Pattern Classification Duda, Richard O
404 Introduction To Computers Norton,P
405 Power Electronics Hart, Daniel W.
406 Power Electronics: Circuit, Devices, and Applications Muhammad H. Rashid
407 Power Plant Engineering Raja, A. K.
408 Power System Analysis Operation  and Control Chakrabarti, Abhijit
409 Power System Engineering Kothari, D.P
410 Power System Stability and Control Kundur, Prabha
411 Power Systems Modeling and Fault Analysis: Theory and Practice Tleis, Nasser D.
412 Principles of Electrical Engineering Shinde, A. B.
413 Process Dynamics and Control Bhagade, Sudheer S.
414 Radar: Principles, Technology, Applications Edde, Byron
415 Real-Time Systems Liu, Jane W. S.
416 RF Circuit Design: Theory and Application Ludwig, Reinhold
417 Robots and Manufacturing Automation Asfahl, C. Ray
418 Satellite Communication Systems Engineering Pritchard,W.L
419 Theory of Power Electronics Rao, K. L.
420 A Course in Electrical Power Gupta, J. B.
421 A Course in Electronics and Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation Gupta, J. B.
422 A Textbook of Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Gupta, J. B.
423 A Textbook of  Electrical Science Gupta, J. B.
424 A Textbook of Electrical Technology Gupta, J. B.
425 A Textbook of  Optics Subrahmanyam, Dr. N.
426 Access Control Systems: Security, Identity Management and Trust Models Bennantar, Messaoud
427 ADTs, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++ Nyhoff, Larry
428 Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability Hwang , Kai
429 Advanced Control Systems: Including Digital Control Engineering, Optimal and non-linear system Ana. Soni, K. M.
430 An engineering approach to digital design Fletcher, W.I
431 An Introduction to Electric Traction Mallick, Sachidananda
432 An introduction to Geographical Information Systems Heywood, Lan
433 Android Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach Smith,D.
434 Antenna and Wave Propagation Yadava, R. L.
435 Basic Electricity Gupta, J. B.
436 Basic Electronics Engineering Baru, Vijay
437 CAD/CAM: Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing Groover, M.
438 Cloud Computing: Automating the Virtualized Data Center Josyula, Venkata
439 Communication Systems Haykin, Simon
440 Computer Graphics For Java Programmers Ammeraal, Leen
441 Computer Networks Sharma, Sanjay
442 Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface Patterson, David A.
443 Data and Computer Communications Stallings, William
445 Data Mining Concepts and Techniques Han, Jiawei
446 Decision Support Systems in the 21st Century Marakas, George M.
447 Digital Communications Haykin, Simaon
448 Digital Communications Sharma, Sanjay
449 Digital Communications: A Discrete-Time Approach Rice, Michael
450 Digital Image Processing and Analysis Chanda, B.
451 Digital Image Processing Using Matlab Gonzalez, Rafael C.
452 Digital Modulation and Coding Wilson, Stephen G.
453 Digital Signal Processing: With Matlab Programs Sharma, Sanjay
454 Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design Coulouris, George
456 Electric Machines and Electric Drives: Problems with Solution De, Nisit k.
457 Electrical and Electronic Measurements Banerjee,G.K
458 Electrical Engineering Drawing Part 1 Singh, Surjit
459 Electrical Engineering Materials Shukla, R.K
460 Electrical Engineering Materials Dogra, Rakesh
461 Electrical Machines 2 Singh, Tarlok
462 Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments Singh, Tarlok
463 Electrical Transients in Power Systems Greenwood, Allan
464 Electricity and Magnetism with Electronics Tewari, K. K.
465 Electromagnetic field theory for engineers and physicists Lehner, Gunther
466 Electromagnetism: Theory and Applications Pramanik, Ashutosh
467 Electronic Devices & circuits Gupta,J.B
468 Electronic Devices and Integrated Circuits Singh, Ajay Kumar
469 Electronic Instruments & Measurements Anand, M. L.
470 Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Rajput, R. K.
471 Embedded Microcontrollers and Processor design Osborn, Greg
472 Engineering Electromagnetic Inan, Umran S.
473 Expert Systems Sharma, Pankaj
474 Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering Begamudre, Rakosh Das
475 Fluid Power Transmission and control: Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics Alavudeen, A.
476 Foundations for Microwave Engineering Collin, Robert e.
477 Foundations of Electric Power Cogdell, J. R.
478 Fundamentals of Digital Circuits Kumar, A. Anand
479 Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory Dash, Saroj K.
480 Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing: With an introduction to interactive Computer graphic for Design Luzadder, Warren J.
481 Fundamentals of Power System Protection Paihankar, Y. G.
482 Fundamentals of Switchgear and Protection Gupta, J. B.
483 High voltage Engineering Wadhwa, C. L.
484 High-Voltage Engineering: Theory and Practice Salam, Mazen Abdel
485 Installation Commissioning & Maintenance of Electrical Equipments Singh, Tarlok
486 Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots Siegwart , Roland
487 Introduction To Cryptography with Coding Theory Trappe, Wade
488 Introduction to Heat Transfer Som, S. K.
489 Introduction to MATLAB 7 Etter, Delores M.
490 Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Chattopadhyay, K. K.
491 Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems Agrawal, Dharma Prakash
492 Introductory Circuit Analysis Boylestad,R.L
493 Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits Conventional Flow Version Paynter,R.T
494 Mechatronics Necsulescu, Dan
495 Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design Rajkamal
496 Microwave Engineering Rao, R. S.
497 Mobile Computing: Theory and Practice Garg, Kumkum
498 Modern Control Engineering Singh, Yaduvir
499 Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems Lathi, B.P
500 Modern Optical Engineering Smith, Warren J.
501 Modern power Electronics And AC Drives Bose,B.K
502 Multimedia and Applications Sherawat, D. S.
503 Power Electronics Gupta, B. R.
504 Power System Modeling and Scripting Milano, F.
505 Power System Optimization Kothari, D. P.
506 Power Systems & protection Datta, N.K
507 Principles of Control Systems Xavier, S. O. Eugene
508 Principles of Distributed Database Systems Ozsu,M.T
509 Principles of electronics devices and circuits: Analog and digital Theraja, B.
510 Principles of Power Electronics Kassakian, John G.
511 Problems and Solutions in Electromagnetic Hayt, William H.
512 Programming in Visual Basic Bradley,J.C.
513 Question Bank in Electrical Engineering Gupta, J. B.
514 Question Bank in Electronics & Communication Engineering Gupta, Dr. B. R
515 Question Bank in Electronics and Communication Engineering Sharma, Dr. Sanjay
516 Electric Power Systems Nasar, Syed A
517 Sears and Zemamsky's University Electricity and Magnetism Young, Hugh D.
518 Sears and Zemamsky's University Mechanics Young, Hugh D.
519 Signal and Systems Oppenheim, A.V
520 Signals and systems Soni, K. M.
521 Signals and Systems: With Matlab Programs Sharma,S
522 Software Engineering: Theory and practice Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence
523 Sold State Devices & Circuits Sharma, S.
524 Solid State Devices and Electronics Singh, Kamal
525 Technical Writing Basu, B. N.
526 Telecommunication Networks Katiyar, Sapna
527 Telecommunications Essentials: The Complete Global Source Goleniewski, Lillian.
528 The 8051 Microcontroller MacKenzie, I. Scott
529 The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C Mazidi, M.A
530 The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessor : Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications Triebel,Walter A
531 The x86 pc Assembly Language, Design and Interfacing Muhammad Ali Mazidi
532 Transformers & Introduction motors Murthy, A. S. Aravinda
533 Utilization of Electric Power & Electric traction Gupta, J. B.
534 VHDL for engineers Short, Kenneth L.
535 Virtual machines: Versatile platforms for systems and processes Smith, J.E
536 Visual Basic 2010: In Simple Steps Kogent
537 Wireless communication systems Verma, Brijesh
538 Wireless Communications Goldsmith, Andrea
539 Wireless Communications and Networks Stallings, William
540 Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice Rappaport, Theodore S
541 Wireless Network Evolution 2G to 3G Garg Vijay K.
542 Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems: A Practical Approach Khan, Shoaib Ahmed
543 Convex Optimization Boyed, Stephen
544 Introduction to Linear Optimization Bertsimas, Dimitris
545 Satellite Communication Systems: Systems, Techniques and Technologies Maral, Gerard
546 Linear and nonlinear Programming Luenberger, David G.
780 Fundamentals of Multimedia LI, Ze-Nian

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@ সর্বসত্ত্ব সংরক্ষিত ! কোন তথ্য বিনা অনুমতিতে ব্যবহার করা যাবে না । বিনা অনুমতিতে তথ্য কপি করে ফেসবুকে প্রকাশে অত্র প্রতিষ্ঠান আইনানুগ ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করতে পারে। This website was created for free with Own-Free-Website.com. Would you also like to have your own website?
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