ME 160 : Mechanical Engineering Drawing - I
1.50 Credit Hours

Introduction; Instruments and their uses; First and third angle projections; Orthographic
drawings; Isometric views; Missing lines and views; Sectional views and conventional
practices; Auxiliary views.

ME 161 : Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
3.00 Credit Hours

Study of sources of energy: conventional and renewable, environmental pollution; study
of steam generation units with their accessories and mountings; Introduction to: steam
turbine with their accessories, internal combustion engines and gas turbines with their
accessories, automobiles; Introduction to pumps, blowers and compressors, refrigeration
and air-conditioning systems.

ME 163 : Computers and Languages
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction to digital computers: hardware and software; Number systems: binary
arithmetic; Algorithms: concept and development; Development of flow charts and
program writing; FORTRAN language.
Introduction to structured programming languages; Programming with structured
languages; Computer packages: introduction and use.

ME 164 : Computers and Languages Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Binary arithmetic: problems and practices; Development of algorithms and flowcharts;
Programming with FORTRAN; Hand-on computer practices; Programming with
structured languages; Use of standard software packages.

ME 171 : Computer Programming Language
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction to computer hardware and its working principle; Programming logic,
algorithms, and flowcharts.
Introduction to structured programming; Overview of C and C++ programming
languages; C and C++ fundamentals – data types and expressions; Operators; Libraries
and keywords; Statements; Arrays and strings; Functions; Control statements; Pointers;
Input and output systems, Object Oriented programming; Introduction to advanced

ME 172 : Computer Programming Language Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 171.

ME 201 : Basic Thermodynamics
4.00 Credit Hours

Fundamental concepts; Properties of gases and vapours; Laws of thermodynamics and
their corollaries. Non-flow and flow processes; Ideal gases and their cycles. Power
cycles, refrigeration cycles and reciprocating compressors. Second law of
thermodynamics: availability, irreversibility and entropy. Thermodynamic relations and
equations of state. Mixtures of gases and vapours; Psychrometrics; Real gases; Fuels and

ME 202 : Basic Thermodynamics Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 201.

ME 241 : Engineering Mechanics
4.00 Credit Hours

Basic concepts of mechanics; Statics of particles and rigid bodies; Centroids of lines,
areas and volumes; Forces in struss, frames, and cables; Friction; Moments of inertia of
areas and masses; Relative motion.
Kinetics of particles: Newton's second law of motion; Principles of work, energy,
impulse and momentum; System of particles; Kinematics of rigid bodies; Kinetics of
plane motion of rigid bodies: forces and acceleration; Principles of work and energy.

ME 243 : Mechanics of Solids
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 241
Stress analysis: statically indeterminate axially loaded member, axially loaded member,
thermal and centrifugal stresses; Stresses in thin and thick walled cylinders and spheres.
Beams : shear force and bending moment diagrams; Various types of stresses in beams;
Flexure formula; Deflection of beams: integration and area moment methods;
Introduction to reinforced concrete beams and slabs.
Torsion formula; Angle of twist; Modulus of rupture; Helical springs; Combined stresses:
principal stress, Mohr's Circle; Columns: Euler's formula, intermediate column formulas,
the Secant formula; Flexure formula of curved beams.
Introduction to experimental stress analysis techniques; Strain energy ; Failure theories.

ME 244 : Mechanics of Solids Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Experiments based on ME 243.

ME 260 : Mechanical Engineering Drawing - II
1.50 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 160
Review of orthographic projections; Fasteners, gears, keys and springs; Sectional views
and conventional practices; Auxiliary views; Specifications for manufacture; Working
drawings; Plan and elevation of building; Computer graphics.

ME 261 : Numerical Analysis
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 163
Roots of polynomials and transcendental equations; Determinants and matrices; Eigen
values and eigen vectors; Solution of linear and non-linear algebraic equations; Solution
of first-order differential equations.
Interpolation methods; Numerical differentiation and integration; Solving equations by
finite differences; Curve fitting.

ME 262 : Numerical Analysis Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Numerical solution of problems in Engineering; Introduction to Computer Aided Design

ME 301 : Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer
3.00 Credit Hours

Basic modes of heat transfer; General conduction equation for one dimensional and three
dimensional situation; Steady state conduction in different geometrics and composite
structures for one dimensional situation; Effect of variable thermal conductivity; Analysis
of heat conduction of system with heat sources and heat transfer from finned surfaces;
Transient heat conduction in solids with negligible internal resistance and with internal
and surface resistance; Use of Heisler charts; Analytical and numerical solutions of
conduction heat transfer problems. Heat transfer by the mechanism of radiation; Laws of
radiation heat transfer; Blackbody radiation and radiative properties of surfaces; Angle
factor; Net radiation interchange between two infinite parallel planes, concentric spheres
and long cylinders; Simple enclosure problems; Radiation shield; Solar radiation and its
prospects in Bangladesh.

ME 302 : Heat Transfer Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 301.

ME 303 : Convection, Boiling, Condensation, and Mass Transfer
3.00 Credit Hours

Mechanism of convective heat transfer; General methods for estimation of convective
heat transfer coefficient; Heat and momentum transfer associated with laminar and
turbulent flow of fluids in forced convection; Fully developed flows and boundary layer
developments in tubes/ducts over flat plates: empirical equations; Free convection from
exterior surfaces of common geometrics, such as cylinder, plate, sphere etc.
Heat transfer mechanism with change of phase: condensation, types and analysis of
filmwise condensation on a vertical plate and horizontal cylinders; Boiling: mechanism
and heat transfer correlations; Heat pipe.
Heat exchanger: basic types, LMTD, exchanger effectiveness-NTU relations, fouling and
scaling of heat exchanger; Heat exchanger calculations; Techniques of heat transfer
augmentation heat exchanger devices.
Mass Transfer: mechanism of mass transfer by diffusion convection and change of phase,
simultaneous heat and mass transfer phenomena; Analogy between heat and mass
transfer; Empirical equations.

ME 304 : Heat and Mass Transfer Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 303.

ME 321 : Fluid Mechanics - I
3.00 Credit Hours

Fundamental concept of fluid as a continuum; Fluid statics: basic hydrostatic equation,
pressure variation in static incompressible and compressible fluids; Manometers; Forces
on plane and curved surfaces; Buoyant force; Stability of floating and submerged bodies;
Pressure distribution of a fluid in a rotating system.
Relation between system approach and control volume approach; Continuity , momentum
and energy equations; Special forms of energy and momentum equations and their
applications; Pressure, velocity and flow measurement devices.
Introduction to inviscid incompressible flow to include two dimensional basic flows.

ME 322 : Fluid Mechanics Sessional - I
0.75 Credit Hours

Experiments based on ME 321.

ME 323 : Fluid Mechanics - II
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 321
Dimensional analysis and similitude; Fundamental relations of compressible flow; Speed
of sound wave; Stagnation states for the flow of an ideal gas; Flow through convergingdiverging
nozzles; Normal shock. Real fluid flow; Frictional losses in pipes and fittings.
Introduction to boundary layer theory; Estimation of boundary layer and momentum
thickness, Skin friction and drag of a flat plate.
Introduction to open channel flow; Best hydraulic channel cross-sections; Hydraulic
jump; Specific energy; Critical depth.

ME 324 : Fluid Mechanics Sessional - II
0.75 Credit Hours

Experiments based on ME 323.

ME 341 : Machine Design - I
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 243
Introduction to design; Stress analyses; Pressure vessels; Stresses in curved members;
Deflection and stiffness considerations; Shock and impact; Column design; Statistical
considerations; Types of fits; Design for static strength; Fracture mechanics in design;
Design for fatigue strength; Design of screws, fasteners and connections; Keys and
couplings, welded and brazed joints.

ME 342 : Machine Design Sessional - I
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 341.

ME 343 : Machine Design - II
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 243
Mechanical springs; Rolling contact bearings; Lubrication and journal bearings; Spur,
helical, worm and bevel gears; Shafts; Brakes and clutches; Rope, belt and chain drives;
Design with composite materials.

ME 344 : Machine Design Sessional - II
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 343.

ME 345 : Mechanics of Machinery
4.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 241
Mechanisms; displacement, velocity and acceleration; Turning moment: inertia and
kinetic energy of reciprocating and rotating parts; Static and dynamic balancing:
reciprocating and rotating parts, multi-cylinder in-line and V-engines, radial engines, and
opposed-piston engines; Balancing machines.
Undamped free vibrations with one and two degrees of freedom; Longitudinal, transverse
and torsional vibrations; Damped free and forced vibrations with single degrees of
freedom; Whirling of shafts and rotors; Vibration of geared systems; Vibration
absorption, isolation and disolation; Vibration measuring instruments.
Study of cams and cam followers; Power transmission by belts, ropes and chains;
Clutches and brakes; Dynamometers.
Study of gears and gear trains; Study of governors; Gyroscopes: principles and

ME 346 : Mechanics of Machinery Sessional
1.50 Credit Hours

Laboratory procedures in balancing, analysis of cams and gears, vibration, moment of
inertia of machine parts, and gyroscopes.

ME 361 : Instrumentation and Measurement
3.00 Credit Hours

Basic principles of measurements; Characterisation and behaviour of typical measuring
systems; Different types of sensing elements; Measuring, transmission and recording
methods; Measurements of displacement, pressure, temperature, heat flux, flow, motion
and vibrations, force, torque and strain; Data acquisition and processing.

ME 362 : Instrumentation and Measurement Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 361.

ME 400 : Project and Thesis
6.00 Credit Hours

In this course, students are required to undertake a major project in engineering analysis,
design development of research. The objective is to provide an opportunity to develop
initiative, self reliance, creative ability and engineering judgment. The results must be
submitted in a comprehensive report with appropriate drawings, charts, bibliography, etc.
along with products if any. Use of locally available materials in manufacturing and
feasibility study of local industrial units will be emphasised.

ME 401 : Internal Combustion Engines
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 201
Introduction: basic engine types, their operation and testing; Idealized cycles and
processes; Fuels: IC engine fuels, their properties and tests; Combustion: SI engine, CI
engine and gas turbines; Equilibrium charts; Exhaust gas analysis and air pollution; Fuel
metering: SI engines, CI engines; Air capacity of engines: two and four stroke cycles,
naturally aspirated and supercharged; Performance and design: performance of
unsupercharged engines and supercharged engines, design considerations, application of
principle of similitude in engine design.
Compressors and turbines: compression processes, volumetric efficiency, multistage
compression, intercooling; Various types of compressors and gas turbines.

ME 402 : Heat Engines Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 401.

ME 403 : Power Plant Engineering
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 201
Sources of energy, production of power, comparison of different types of power plants,
survey of power plants in Bangladesh.
The variable load problem, economic analysis of power plants, theory of rates. Dieselelectric
power plants: engine types and their performances, advantages, present trend.
Gas turbine power plants: cycle analysis; intercooling, regeneration and reheating,
governing. Thermal power plants: fuels, combustion equipment; boilers. Steam turbines:
reheat, regenerative, superposed, binary and combined cycles. Condensers, evaporators
and cooling towers, gas loop and water loop, steam piping and insulations. Hydro-electric
power plants: site selection, components of the plant. Governing of water turbine.
Nuclear power plant: types of reactors, layout of nuclear power plant; waste disposal.

ME 404 : Steam Laboratories Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 403.

ME 415 : Refrigeration and Building Mechanical Systems
3.00 Credit Hours

Concept of refrigeration and its applications; Different refrigeration methods; Analysis of
vapour compression refrigeration, absorption refrigeration and air-cycle refrigeration
systems; Refrigerants; Refrigeration equipment: compressors, condensers, evaporators,
expansion devices, other control and safety devices; Multi-evaporator, multi-compressor
systems; Low temperature refrigeration.
Concept of air conditioning and its uses; Cooling load calculation; Psychrometric
analysis; Air conditioning systems; Air distribution systems; Duct design methods; Air
conditioning equipment; Application criteria; Control systems.
Fire Hazards; Fire fighting equipment; Vertical transportation, its system design;
Escalators and moving ramps.

ME 407 : Advanced Thermodynamics
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 201
Introduction to classical and statistical viewpoints in thermodynamics; Concepts of
equilibrium, stability, reversibility, irreversibility and availability; Concepts of entropy;
Principle of increase of entropy; Calculation of entropy changes; Statistical interpretation;
Entropy of mixing; Absolute entropy; Entropy flow and entropy production; Properties of
pure substances; Ideal gases; Ideal gas mixtures of constant composition; Ideal gas
mixtures of variable compositions; Thermodynamic potentials: Helmholtz free energy
functions, Gibbs free energy function; Application of free energy functions;
Transformations and thermodynamic potentials; Maxwell relations; Phase transitions;
The Clausius-Clapeyron equation; Statistical mechanics: fundamental principles, energy
states and levels; Thermodynamic probability: Bose-Einstein statistics, Fermi-Dirac
statistics; Thermodynamic properties of a system; Special Topics: elastic systems, fuel
cells, magnetic systems, thermo-electricity.

ME 409 : Renewable Energy
3.00 Credit Hours

Reserves of non-renewable fuels; Prospects of renewable energy, and its sources and
pattern of usage; characteristics of renewable sources: intermittent, low power density
etc.; use of renewables in small scale systems;
Current technology: wind wave, tidal, passive and active solar, biological and examples
of devices; Energy management, interaction of non-technical requirements (social,
economic, political, environment) in engineering design and innovation; case-study.

ME 411 : Combustion and Pollution
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction to combustion; Heat of reaction, adiabatic flame temperature, heating
values, chemical composition of products of combustion; Chemistry and kinetics of
reactions; Reaction rate and flame propagation; Structure of laminar premixed flames;
Explosions and fuel oxidation; Detonation; Combustion in internal and external
combustion engines.
Production of pollutants in combustion systems; Emissions of green house gases, carbon
monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, and other pollutants.
Pollution control: post-engine exhaust treatment for emission control - thermal reactors,
exhaust gas recirculation, catalysis; Pollution control by modification of combustion
parameters; Other pollution control strategies.

3.00 Credit Hours

Energy sources and utilization; Principles of energy conversion and storage.
Building thermal energy-principles and optimization; Energy economy tools and
techniques; Environmental impacts of energy conversion; Environmental economics and
management; Case studies.

ME 421 : Fluid Machinery
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 323
Types of fluid machinery; Rotodynamic and positive displacement machines; Velocity
diagrams and Euler pump/turbine equation; Impulse and reaction turbines; Centrifugal
and axial flow pumps; Deep well turbine pumps; Dimensional analysis applied to fluid
machinery: specific speed, unit power, unit speed, unit discharge; Performance and
characteristics of turbines and pumps; Design of pumps; Cavitation; Reciprocating pump,
gear and screw pumps; Fans, blowers and compressors; Hydraulic transmission: fluid
coupling and torque converter; System analysis and selection of fluid machine.

ME 422 : Fluid Machinery Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Sessional based on ME 421.

ME 423 : Fluids Engineering
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 323
Conservation of mass, momentum and energy; Derivation of Navier Stokes equations;
Steady and unsteady flows; Flow in 2-D and axisymmetric ducts; Laminar jets; Stability
of laminar flow; Orr-Sommerfield equation; Flow in branching pipe systems; Unsteady
flow in pipes; Water hammer; Economics of pipe systems; Hydraulic machines: press,
intensifier, ram, jigger, lift, jack.

ME 425 : Aerodynamics
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 323
Inviscid incompressible flow to include potential function, stream function, circulation
and basic flows; Kutta Joukowski theorem; Aerofoil theory and wing theory.
Drag, aircraft propulsion and propeller; Static performance problem; Special performance
problem; Introduction to stability and control, Longitudinal stability and control; Lateral
and directional stability and control.

ME 427 : Applied Engineering Mathematics
3.00 Credit Hours

Non-linear differential equations: asymptotic method, perturbation method, Rayleigh-
Ritz method, collocation method; Finite difference method; Finite element method;
Boundary element method; Calculus of variations; Chaos theory.

ME 429 : Similitude in Engineering Mechanics
3.00 Credit Hours

Reduction of physical problems: similarity rules revealed by dimensional analysis;
Supplementary information; Self-similar solutions by dimensional analysis and other
groups of transformations; Applications to fluid mechanics and other fields; Local
solution and their uses; Self-similar solutions with concealed exponent.

ME 431 : Gas Dynamics
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 323
One dimensional flow with area change, friction and heat transfer; Flow in convergingdiverging
nozzles; Governing compressible flow equations, Transonic flow; Stationary,
detached and moving shocks; Generation of shocks over wedge and its expansion;
supersonic and hypersonic flows; shock interaction in supersonic flows.

ME 433 : Fluidics
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 323
Hydraulic and pneumatic components and systems; Servocontrol valves; Fluid
transmission lines; Actuators; Fluids; Power supplies and fluid motors; Compressibility
and leakage; System modelling, stability and compensation.

ME 437 : Design of Fluid Machines
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 323
General theory of fluid machines; Similarity considerations to fluid machines; Pumps,
fans, blowers and compressors: design considerations; Cascade fluid mechanics including
effects of viscosity, compressibility and three dimensional flow; Performance
characteristics and limitations; Cavitation and surging.

ME 439 : Biomedical Fluid Mechanics
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 323
Engineering approach to the analysis of circulatory and respiratory systems and to other
problems in physiology involving fluid dynamics; Review of relevant anatomy and
physiology emphasising qualitative considerations; Presentations and discussions;
Simulation of physiological phenomena.

ME 441 : Theory of Structures
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: ME 243
Preliminaries; Elements stiffness matrices; Pin-joint structures; 2-D rigid-joint structures;
Elastic plane element structures; Mixed elements structures; Elastic stability of 2-D rigidjoint
structures; Frequency of rigid-joint structures; Finite element method.

ME 445 : Noise and Vibration
3.00 Credit Hours

Sound waves; Sound sources; Sound transmission through walls and structures;
Acoustics of large and small rooms; Mechanism of sound absorption; Design of silencers.
Vibration isolation, machine foundation design; Vibration absorption; Random vibration;
Beam and plate vibrations.

ME 447 : Robotics
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction to robotics; Definitions; Plane, rotational and spatial motion with
applications to manipulators; Geometric configurations: structural elements, linkages,
arms and grippers; Kinematics of manipulators; Motion characteristics, trajectories,
dynamics and control of manipulators; Actuators and sensors for manipulators;
Application of industrial robots and programming; Teleoperators, mobile robots and
automated guided vehicles. Special purpose robots.

ME 449 : Composite Materials
3.00 Credit Hours

Fibrous composites; Reinforcement types; Ply stiffness; Ply strength; Failure criteria;
Layered laminate; Laminate stiffness; Laminate strength; Residual stress; Thin-walled
composite sections; Interlaminar stresses; Hole in laminates; Buckling of laminates

ME 461 : Control Engineering
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction to control systems and their representation by different equations and
Laplace transforms; Block diagrams and transfer functions; Analog computer solution of
system equations; System response, control action and system types; Frequency response;
System analysis; System compensation; Analogues of control systems; Hydraulic and
pneumatic control systems; Elements of electro-mechanical controls; Introduction to
digital computer control.

ME 463 : Petroleum Engineering
3.00 Credit Hours

An overview of hydrocarbon reserves in Bangladesh; Classification of rocks and
hydrocarbon deposits and their genesis; Geophysical exploration of oil and gas; Physical
properties and characteristics of reservoir rocks; Origin, accumulation, composition and
behaviour of hydrocarbon reserves; Analysis and prediction of reservoir performance.
Drilling rigs and their types; Rig moving equipment; Rig components and their
auxiliaries; Drilling operations; Vertical and direction drilling; Well logging and
interpretation; Cracking and steaming; Well completion and cementation.

ME 465 : Applied Statistics
3.00 Credit Hours

Simple regression and correlations, multiple regression. Tests of significance. Analysis of
variance. Experimental design. Factor analysis. Statistical packages.

ME 467 : Automobile Engineering
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction to road vehicles; Components of automobile; Automotive engines: types and
construction; Valve events; Knock, preignition and postignition. Friction in engines and
automobile components; Lubrication systems; Automotive fuel systems for SI and CI
engines; Ignition system; Alternative fuels and alternative types of engines; Engine
cooling and exhaust systems.
Vehicle performance: linear and angular inertia, braking effects, gyroscopic effects and
reactions, tractive effort and vehicle vibration; Resistance to vehicle motion: gradient
resistance, aerodynamic resistance, rolling and frictional resistance; Development
strategies for minimum resistance.
Automotive transmission systems and power train: clutch, gear, differential and final
Automotive safety: brakes; Reduction of injuries; Automotive body: materials and
vehicle shape; Springs and suspension: Steering system.
Electrical systems: cranking motor, alternator and lighting; Electronic control systems
and indicators.
Environmental considerations: vehicle emissions and control strategies; Noise pollution
and control; Vehicle fuel economy.
Testing of vehicles; Motor vehicle regulations.

ME 469 : Nuclear Engineering
3.00 Credit Hours

World energy resources; Importance of fission energy; Atomic structure; Nuclear energy
and nuclear forces; Nuclear fission and fusion processes; Nuclear fission reactors;
Reactor controls; Reactor coolants; Process waste disposal; Nuclear power reactor

ME 471 : Bio-Engineering
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction to human musculoskeletal system; Biomechanics of human movement:
applications of engineering mechanics to the movements of muscles, bones and skeletal
joints; Material and structural characteristics of bones, ligaments, muscle/tendons and
joints - alternative materials.
Introduction to biomechanical fluid mechanics; Engineering approach to the function of
circulatory and respiratory systems involving fluid dynamics.
Introduction to biomedical instrumentation; Ultrasound, x-ray, laser, microwave and
ultra-violet rays - physics and technology of generation - their use in diagnostic,
therapeutic, and processing applications in medicine and industry.

ME 473 : Plastics Process Technology
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction; Properties; Testing of properties; Identification of common plastics; Flow
behaviour; Processing parameters; degradation; Fillers; Additives; Mixing and
compounding; Mills: internal and continuous; Processing of plastic materials: extrusion,
injection moulding, thermo-forming, blow moulding, film blowing, compression
moulding, and transfer moulding; Reinforcement of plastics; Calendering and laminating;
Instrumentation and control.

ME 475 : Mechatronics
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction: Organisation structure; System concept; mechanical, electrical, electronic
and software components; process; software based tools: Virtual instrumentation; CAD;
CAM; Computer integrated systems; Computer interfacing; Mainpulator; Actuator types;
Sensors and vision systems; Smart robots; Artificial intelligence; Factory, Office and
Home automation; Future trend.

ME 481 : Textile Technology
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction to textiles, its Industry and market; Various types of fibres: their properties
and uses; Fibre to yarn: spinning processes and machinery for various fibres, quality
parameters for yarns; Yarn to fabrics: weaving processes and machines, knitting,
compound fabric constructions, felted and nonwoven fabric formation, decorative fabric
constructions; Back processes for grey fabrics and their functional effects. Dyeing
process for major types of fabrics: Printing and flocking; Fabrics quality parameters;
Product packaging; Environment for different processes.

Industrial Tour *
3 weeks (maximum)

Visit to prescribed industries selected by the department.

ME 370 : Industrial Training **
4 weeks (maximum)

Intensive training in a particular industry prescribed by the department.


* Industrial tour will be considered a co-curricular activity. It may be conducted at
any convenient time as can be arranged by the Department after the completion of
Level 1.
** It will be conducted after the completion of Level 2, at any convenient time as can
be arranged by the Department. Results will be recorded as satisfactory after
completion of the training.


Phy 102 : Physics Sessional
1.50 Credit Hours

Sessional based on Phy 105 and Phy 107.

Phy 105 : Structure of Matter, Electricity and Magnetism, and Modern Physics
3.00 Credit Hours

Structure of Matter: Crystalline & non crystalline solids, Single crystal and polycrystal
solids, Unit cell, Crystal systems, Co-ordinations number, Crystal planes & directions,
NaCl & CsCl structure, Packing factor, Miller indices, Relation between interplanar
spacing from diffraction patterns; Defects in solids: Point defects, Line Defects; Bonds in
solids, Interatomic distances, Calculation of cohesive & Bonding energy; Introduction to
band theory: Distinction between Metal, Semiconductor and Insulator.
Electricity and Magnetism: Coulomb’s law, Electric field (E), Gauss’s law & its
application, Electric potential (V), Capacitors and Capacitance, Capacitors with
dielectrics, Dielectrics an atomic view, Charging and discharging of a capacitor, Ohms
law, Kirchoff’s law; Magnetic field: Magnetic induction, Magnetic force on a current
carrying conductor, Torque on a current carrying loop, Hall effect, Faradys law of
electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law, Self induction, Mutual induction; Magnetic
properties of Matter: Hysteresis curve; Electromagnetic Oscillation: L-C Oscillations &
its analogy to simple harmonic motion.
Modern Physics: Michelson-Morley’s experiment, Galilean transformation, Special
theory of relativity & its consequences; Quantum theory of radiation: Photo-electric
effect, Compton effect, wave particle duality, Interpretation of Bohr’s postulates,
radioactive disintegration, Properties of nucleus, Nuclear reactions, Fission, Fusion,
Chain reaction, Nuclear reactor.

Phy 107 : Waves and Oscillation, Geometrical Optics and Wave Mechanics
3.00 Credit Hours

Waves & Oscillations: Differential equation of a Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Total
energy and average energy, Combination of simple harmonic oscillations, Lissajous
figures, Spring-mass system, Calculation of time period of torsional pendulum, Damped
oscillation, Determination of damping co-efficient, forced opscilltion, Resonance, Twobody
oscillations, Reduced mass, Differential equation of a progressive wave, Power &
intensity of wave motion, Stationary wave, Group velocity and Phase velocity,
Architectural Acoustics, Reverberation and Sabine’s formula.
Geometrical Optics: Combination of lenses: Equivalent lens and equivalent focal length,
Cardinal points of a lens, Power of a lens; Defects of images: Spherical aberration,
Astigmatism, Coma, Distortion, Curvature, Chromatic aberration; Optical instruments:
Compound microscope, Polarising microscope, Resolving power of a microscope,
Camera and photographic techniques.
Waves Mechanics: Principles of statistical physics, probabilities, Classical statistics;
Quantum statistics: Bose-Einstein statistics, Fermi-Dirac statistics and their applications;
Fundamental postulates of wave mechanics, Time dependent Schrodinger equation,
Schrodinger equation for one-electron atom and its solution.

Chem 101 : Chemistry-I
3.00 Credit Hours

Atomic structure, quantum numbers, electronic configuration, periodic table. Properties
and uses of noble gases. Different types of chemical and their properties. Molecular
structure of compounds. Selective organic reactions.
Different types of solutions and their compositions. Phase rule phase diagram of
monocomponent system. Properties of dilute solutions.
Thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria. Ionization of water and pH
concept. Electric properties of solution.

Chem 109 : Chemistry-I
3.00 Credit Hours

Modern Concepts of Atomic structure, Advanced concepts of bonds and molecular
structure, Study of Crystal structures, Modern Periodic Table, Chemistry of Transition
Metals, Acids and Bases, Chemistry of Solutions, Properties of Dilute Solutions,
Chemical Equilibriam, Thermochemistry, Electrochemical cells, Chemical Kinetics,
Phase rule and Phase diagrams, Selected topics on Organic Chemistry.

Chem 114 : Inorganic Quantitative Analysis Sessional
1.50 Credit Hours

Volumetric analysis; Acidimetry-alkalimetry, Titrations involving redox
reactions, determination of Fe, Cu and Ca volumetrically, Complexometric
titration, determination of Ca+Mg in water.

Chem 141 :Chemistry of Engineering Materials
3.00 Credit Hours

Glass: Raw materials, classification, manufacturing processes and application of glasses
in chemical industries.
Ceramics: Fundamental of ceramic industry; raw materials, properties, maunfacture and
classification of ceramic products, Refractory materials: Raw materials, properties,
manufacture and classification of refractories.
Corrosion: Nature, forms and types of corrosion, electrochemical mechanism and
prevention of corrosion. Paints, varnishes and metallic coating: Composition and
application of paints, varnishes and metallic coatings, methods used in applying coatings
on metal surface.
Carbon: Properties and applications of carbon and graphite, manufacture and applications
of non-fabricated industrial carbon.
Plastics: Fundamental characteristics, classification, raw materials and manufacture of
plastics, some typical examples of plastics and their uses.
Fibres: Types of fibres, raw materials, applications and manufacturing processes of
synthetic fibres.
Rubber: Sources of natural rubber, chemical treatment of latex, raw materials, synthetic
reactions and properties of synthetic rubber. Lubricants: Principle of lubrication, Sources,
properties and refining of lubricants; mechanical and industrial importance of
Boiler water treatment.

Math 161 : Differential Calculus, Solid Geometry and Vectors
4.00 Credit Hours

Differential calculus: Differentiation of explicit and implicit functions and parametric
equations, successive differentiation of various types of functions. Leibnitz's theorem,
Rolle's theorem, mean value theorem. Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms,
Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Lagrange's form of remainder, Cauchy's
form of remainder. Expansion of function by differentiation and integration. Partial
differentiation. Euler's theorem. Tangent and normal, subtangent and subnormal in
cartesian and polar coordinates. Determination of maximum and minimum values of
functions points of inflexion, its applications. Evaluation of indeterminate forms by
L'Hospital's rule. Curvature, radius of curvature, centre of curvature and chord of
curvature. Evolute and involute. Asymptotes envelopes. Curve tracing.
Three dimensional coordinate geometry: System of coordinate, distance between two
points, section formula, projections, direction cosines, equations of planes and lines.
Vectors Definition of vectors, equality of vectors, addition and multiplication of vectors,
triple product and multiple products, application to geometry and mechanism, linear
dependence and independence of vectors.

Math 163 : Integral Calculus and Differential Equations
4.00 Credit Hours

Integral calculus: Definitions of integrations, integration by the method of substitution,
integration by parts, standard integrals, integration by the method of successive reduction.
Definite integral its properties and use in summing series. Walli's formulae. Improper
integral, beta function and gamma function. Area under a plane curve in cartesian and
polar coordinates, area of the region enclosed by two curves in cartesian and polar
coordinates, trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule. Arc lengths of curves in cartesian and polar
coordinates, parametric and pedal equations, intrinsic equation. Volumes of solids of
revolution, volume of hollow solids of revolution by shell method, area of surface of
Differential equations: Convergence and divergence of infinite series. Ordinary
differential equation- formation of differential equations, solution of first order
differential equations by various methods. Solutions of general linear equations of second
and higher order with constant coefficients. Solutions of homogeneous line equations,
Solutions of differential equations of the higher order when the dependent and
independent variables are absent. Solution of differential equation by the method based
on the factorization of the operators.

Math 261 : Vector Calculus, Matrices and Laplace Transform
4.00 Credit Hours

Vector calculus: Differentiation and integration of vectors together with elementary
applications. Line, surface and volume integrals. Gradient of a scalar functions.
Divergence and curl of a vector function. Physical significance of gradient, divergence
and curl. Stoke's theorem, Greeen's theorem, Gauss's theorem and their applications.
Matrices: Types of matrices and algebraic properties. Rank and elementary
transformations of matrix. Solution of linear equation by matrix methods. Linear
dependence and independence and independence of vectors. Quadratic forms. Matrix
polynomials. Determination of characteristic roots and vectors.
Laplace transforms: Definition of Laplace transforms. Elementary transformation and
properties. Convolution. Solution of differential equation by Laplace transforms.
Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms.

Math 263 : Complex Variables, Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential
4.00 Credit Hours

Complex variable : Complex number system. General functions of a complex variable
Limits and continuity of a function of complex variable and related theorems. Complex
differentiation and the Cauchy. Riemann equations. Mapping by elementary functions.
Line integral of a complex function. Cauchy's integral formula. Kiouville's theorem.
Taylor's and Laurent's theorem. Singular points. Residue. Cauchy's residue theorem.
Evaluation of residues. Contour integration. Conformal mapping.
Fourier series : Real and complex form. Finite transformation. fourier integral Fourier
transforms and their uses in solving boundary value problems.
Harmonic functions. definition of harmonics. Laplace’s equation in cartesian, polar,
cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Solutions of these equations together with
applications. Gravitational potential due to a ring. Steady state temperature. Potential
inside or outside of a sphere. Properties of harmonic functions.
Partial differential equation : Introduction, Equations of linear and non-linear first order
Standard forms. Linear equations of higher order. Equations of the second order with
variable coefficients.

Hum 101 : English
3.00 Credit Hours

English phonetics: the places and manners of articulation of the English sounds.
Vocabulary. English grammar: construction of sentences, some grammatical problems.
Comprehension. Paragraph writing. Precis writing. Amplification. Report writing.
Commercial correspondence and tenders. Short stories written by some well known
classic writers.

Hum 103 : Economics
3.00 Credit Hours

Definition of economics. Economics and engineering.
Principles of economics: Microeconomics: the theory of demand and supply and their
elasticities. Price determination. Nature of an economic theory, applicability of economic
theories to the problems of developing countries. Indifference curve technique. Marginal
analysis. Production. production function, types of productivity. Rational region of
production of an engineering firm. Concepts of market and market structure. Costanalysis and cost function. Small scale production and large scale production.
Optimization. Theory of distribution.
Macroeconomics: savings, investment, employment. national income analysis. Inflation.
Monetary policy. Fiscal policy and trade policy with reference to Bangladesh. Economics
of development and planning.

Hum 201 : Sociology
3.00 Credit Hours

Scope of sociology: micro and macro sociology. Some fundamental concepts. Society
from savagery to civilization (table). Social evolution and techniques of production:
social structure of Bangladesh. Oriental and occidental societies: feudalism.
Industrial revolution: the growth of capitalism, features, social consequences. Socialism
Social control: need, means, future of social control. Leadership: types, functions,
techniques, social power.
Society and population: social determinants of fertility and mortality, human migration,
demographic transition, density, the standard of living, population pyramid, population
and world resources. Malthusian, optimum and socialistic population theory: Population
problem of Bangladesh.
Social pathology: crime, juvenile delinquency, slum.
Nature of social change: factors of social change- biological, physical economic, cultural,
technological factor. Change in production technology, means of communication,
transportation, derivative social effects of converging material inventions. Effects of
technology on major social institutions. Social inventions. Urbanization and
industrialization in Bangladesh.
Sociology of development: process of development, social planning, Planning as a factor
of social change, social change in Bangladesh- nature and trend.
Urban ecology: city, pre-industrial and industrial, growth and nature of cities in
Bangladesh. Rural sociology: features of village community in Bangladesh, social
mobility, urban rural contrast. Social structure of the tribal people of Bangladesh.

Hum 203 : Government
3.00 Credit Hours

Scope, some fundamental concepts of government and politics. Origin of the state. Stages
of development of modern state: nation, nationalism, internationalism. Sovereignty:
dejure and de-facto sovereignty. Functions of state: individualism, socialism, welfare
state, fascism.
Citizenship: rights, duties, hindrances to good citizenship.
Forms of government: Aristotle's classification, modern classification, democracy,
dictatorship, cabinet, presidential, unitary and federal. Organs of government and
separation of powers: legislature, executive, judiciary, bureaucracy. The electorate: party
system- public opinion.
Local self government.
Socio-political and economic background of the movement for Bangladesh. Government
and politics in Bangladesh.
Some major administrative systems. International political organisation: the UNO and its
specialised agencies.

Hum 303 : Principles of Accounting
3.00 Credit Hours

Accounting elements: the accounting equation, accounts, transactions, the double entry
mechanism. Accounting procedure: the financial statements.
Cost in general: objectives and classifications. Overhead costs: allocation and
Product costing: cost sheet under job costing, operating costing and process costing.
Costing by products and joint products. marginal costing: tools and techniques, costvolume-
profit analysis.
Designing the optimal product mix. Relevant costing: analysis, profitability within the
firm. Guidelines for decision making: short-run decisions.
Long-run planning and control: capital budgeting. The master budget, flexible budget and
standard cost. Variance analysis.

Hum 307 : Industrial Sociology
3.00 Credit Hours

 Prereq.: Hum 201
Nature, scope, aim and rise of industrial sociology. History of industrialisation- ancient
and modern. Early industrialisation in India: arts and crafts. Renaissance: industrial
revolution in Europe. The development of industry and industrial society in Bangladesh.
The concept of work: work and art, nature of industrial work, work ideology, work
values. Role of work in man's life: work and mental health, work attitudes, work
involvement. The motivation to work, work satisfaction, commitment to industrial work,
development and commitment of industrial labour force in Bangladesh.
The worker and the factory: the factory system, its characteristics. The formal relations of
production in the factory system.
The industrial bureaucracy: the executive in the industrial bureaucracy. The role of the
worker: industrial production and the worker's role, social relations at work. Management
as a social elite.
Industry and community: industry and family, industry and social change, shifting values,
influence of convictions, religion and industrial development. Place of industrial worker
in the society.
Industry and social stratification: nature and causes of industrial conflict, role and
functions of trade unionism, resolution of industrial conflict, collective bargaining.
Industrialisation and development: patterns of industrial development in developing
countries-role of foreign capital and borrowed technology. Technology and social
structure. Classification of industries: role of cottage industries, labour intensive vs.
heavy industries. Modernisation.

EEE 159 : Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
3.00 Credit Hours

Laws of electric circuit: Ohm's law, Kirchhoffs voltage and current laws, delta-wye
transformation. Electrical networks: network analysis-methods of branch and loop
currents, method of node-pair voltages, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. magnetic
concepts and units: magnetic field, right-hand rule, magnetic flux density, Biot-Savart
law, magnetic field intensity, measurement of magnetic flux, energy of magnetic field.
Characteristics of ferromagnetic materials theory of ferromagnetism. B.H. curves,
hysteresis loss, eddy currents and eddy-current loss, total core loss. Introduction to
magnetic circuit. Electromagnetic forces: forces upon a current-carrying conductor and
charged particle moving in a magnetic field. Electromagnetic torque: electric motor.
Electromagnetic induction and emf: Lenz's law, Blv rule, elementary a.c. generator.
General concepts and definitions. Instantaneous current and power, R-,L-, C-, RL- and
RLC- branches. Effective current and voltage: average values, form factor, crest factor,
power real and reactive. Introduction to vector algebra. Impedances in polar and cartesian
forms. Sinusoidal single phase circuit analysis. Impedance in series, parallel branches,
series-parallel circuits. Network analysis- Thevenin's theorem. Balanced polyphase
circuits: three-phase, four wire system of generated emfs, three-phase, three-wire
systems, balanced wye loads, balanced delta loads, power in balanced systems, power

EEE 160 : Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Laboratory experiments based on EEE 159.

EEE 259 : Electrical and Electronics Technology
4.00 Credit Hours

Balanced three-phase circuit analysis and power measurement. Single phase transformerequivalent
circuit and laboratory testing, introduction to three-phase transformer. DC
generator: principle, types, performances and characteristics. DC motor: principles, types
of motor, performances, speed control, starters and characteristics. A.C. machines: threephase induction motor principles, equivalent circuit. Introduction to synchronous
machines and fractional horse power motors.
Semiconductor diode, transistor characteristics, equivalent circuits, self-biasing circuits,
emitter-follower amplifiers, push-pull amplifier. Introduction to silicon controlled
rectifier and its application. Oscilloscope. Transducers: strain, temperature, pressure,
speed and torque measurements.

EEE 260 : Electrical and Electronics Technology Sessional
1.50 Credit Hours

Laboratory experiments based on EEE 259.

MME 291 : Metallic Materials
3.00 Credit Hours

Concept of malleability, ductility, toughness, fatigue resistance and other properties
Mechanical and non-destructive tests of metals. Pig iron: production and uses. Cast iron:
production, types, uses and effects of impurities. Steels: Bessemer and open-hearth steels,
production and uses. Plain carbon and different types of allow steels. Bearing metals,
light allows, common metals and their alloys. The Fe-FeC equilibrium diagram. Types of
heat treatment. Case carburizing and nitriding.

MME 292 : Metallic Materials Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Experiments based on Met. E. 225.

Shop 160 : Foundry and Welding Shops
0.75 Credit Hours

Foundry: Introduction to foundry, tools and equipment. Patterns: function, pattern
making. Molding: molding materials sand preparation, types of mold, procedure. Cores:
types, core making materials. Metal melting and casting. Inspection of casting and
casting defects.
Welding: Metal joints: rivetting, grooving, soldering, welding. Welding practice: electric
arc steel, aluminium. types of electrode. Welding defects: visual, destructive and nondestructive
tests of welding.
Gas welding and equipment, types of flame, welding of different types of materials. Gas
welding defects. Test of gas welding.

Shop 170 : Machine Shop Practice
0.75 Credit Hours

Tools: common bench and hand tools, marking and layout tools, measuring tools, cutting
tools, machine tools. Bench work on jobs. Practices on machine tools: drilling machine,
lathe machine, shaper machine, milling machine, grinding machine.

IPE 331 : Production Process
4.00 Credit Hours

Selection of machining.
Casting: sand, die, centrifugal and other types of casting, Casting design and casting
defects Chipless metal forming process: different types of hot and cold working
processes. Welding arc, gas, TIG, MIG, resistance, thermit, and special types, Brazing
and soldering.
Tool geometry and chip formation processes.
Metal removing processes: turning, drilling, shaping, planing, milling, broaching,
grinding, precision and non-precision finishing processes.
Plastic, ceramic and glass product manufacturing processes.

IPE 332 : Production Process Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Experiments based on IPE 331.

IPE 381 : Measurement and Quality Control
3.00 Credit Hours

Organization of inspection kinds of inspection. Standards of length. Scope and techniques
for maintaining tolerances, grades of manufacturing accuracy. Assembly-selective and
interchangeable assembly, gauging and limit gauges. Taylor's principles on limit gauges,
thread measurement and thread gauges. Abbey's principle, measuring tools for angles and
tapers, instruments for checking straightness and flatness and for alignment test. Gear
measurement, measurement of surface finish, surface roughness. Electrical and electronic
measurements. Nondestructive test.
Frequency distribution, measures of central tendency and dispersion. Concept of
probability, conditional probability and Bayes' theorem. Probability distributions,
moment and moment generating function. Sampling theory, estimation hypothesis
testing. Acceptance sampling plans-single, double, sequential, rectifying inspection plans,
Control charts. X, R and C charts. Regression analysis, analysis of variance. Concept of
quality circle. TQM and TQC.

IPE 382 : Measurement and Quality Control Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Experiments based on IPE 381.

IPE 431 : Machine Tools
3.00 Credit Hours

Mechanical, electrical hydraulic and pneumatic drives in machine tools. Bearings, slide
ways, structure and control of machine tools. Detailed case study of engine lathe, turret
lathe, milling machine, grinding machine, and gear shaping machine.
Installation and acceptance tests of machine tools.
Locating principles and locators, clamps, dies, jigs/fixtures.

IPE 432 : Machine Tools Sessional
0.75 Credit Hours

Experiments based on IPE 431.

IPE 433 : Metal Cutting Process
3.00 Credit Hours

Theory of metal cutting: mechanism of chip formation, chip breaker, chip-tool contact
process, types of chip.
Tool materials, tool design and manufacturing.
Theoretical and experimental determination of cutting forces, heat phenomenon, cutting
fluid, tools wear and tool life, economics of metal cutting.
Gear and thread manufacturing processes.

IPE 435 : Modern Manufacturing Technology
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction to modern manufacturing technology.
Modern manufacturing processes: electro-discharge machining (EDM), electro-chemical
machining (ECM), electron-beam machining (EBM), LASER-beam machining (LBM),
ultrasonic machining (USM), plasma arc machining (PAM), abrasive jet machining
(AJM) and related machines.
Protective coatings and hard facing. Modern welding processes.
Automatic and semi-automatic machine tools and automatic transfer lines.
Introduction to NC, CNC and DNC.

3.00 Credit Hours

CAD: fundamental concepts, application, benefits, hardware and software, types of CAD
systems, common 2D CAD software features, basic 3D CAD features.
CAM: fundamental concepts, trend of development of numerical control (NC), principles
of NC, types of NC systems, types of NC machines, CNC (manual) part programming,
CNC part programming using CAM softwares, interfacing CAM software with CNC
machines, computer aided machining.

IPE 481 : Industrial Management
4.00 Credit Hours

Organization and management: evolution, management functions, organisation structure,
development of organization theory, study of various types of organization and
management information systems, concepts and scope of application.
Cost management elements of cost of products, cost centres and allocation of overhead
costs. Management accounting: marginal costing, standard costing, cost planning and
control, budget and budgetary control, development and planning process, annual
development plan, national budget.
Financial management: objectives, strategy, financing, performance analysis of
enterprises, investment appraisal, criteria of investment.
Personnel management: importance, scope, need hierarchy, motivation, defense
mechanism, productivity and satisfaction, leadership, group dynamics, job evaluation and
merit rating personnel development-hiring, training, wage systems.
Marketing management: marketing concept, marketing organization, industrial and
consumer selling, channel decisions, advertising decisions, new product strategy.
Technology management.
Case study.

IPE 483 : Production Planning Control
3.00 Credit Hours

Elements of production planning and control, types of production system.
Forecasting methods and their application, aggregate planning, master production
scheduling, MRP, coding and standardization, capacity planning, inventory management,
ABC analysis. Production scheduling techniques, CPM and PERT, line balancing
capacity planning. Plant location and layout, work study and method study, plant
performance measurement Introduction to product development and design.
Computers in production planning and control and MRPII, JIT.

IPE 485 : Operations Research
3.00 Credit Hours

Introduction, linear programming (simplex and transportation model), Network analysis
dynamic programming, introduction to simple queuing models, introduction to
probabilistic inventory models, game and decision theory, simulation integer
programming, scheduling, and reliability.

IPE 487 : Material Handling
3.00 Credit Hours

Material handling importance and scope of material handling. Classification of materials,
unit load and bulk loads. Analysis of material handling problems, system concept,
selection and classification of conveying equipment. Efficiency of material handling
systems, general theory of conveyors. Computer control material handling (AGV, ASRS
etc.). Description and design of belt, chain, flight, screw, pneumatic and hydraulic
conveyors, operation and selection of industrial truck loads.
Packaging: packaging materials, layout for packaging.
Testing procedure of packages: vibration test, drop test, performance limit, testing
Storage and warehousing sorting, automated warehousing.
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