Associate Membership of the Institution of Engineers (AMIE) Examination

Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
EEE-Sec-A: Engineering Mathematics
1. Differential Calculus - Abu Yousuf
2. Integral Calculus - Abu Yousuf
3. Ordinary Differential Equation - Prof. Kuddus
4. Matrices - P. N. Chatterjee
5. Applied Mathematics - Titas Publication
6. Numerical Analysis - Hafiz, Haque, Rahman [Titas Publication]
7. A Guidebook of Engineering Mathematics - S. M. Talha Jubaed
More References:
ডিফারেন্সিয়াল এবং ইন্ট্রিগ্রাল ক্যালকুলাস অংশের জন্য
Reference Book(s):
1. A text Book of Differential Calculus – Rahman and Bhattachrjee.
2. Differential Calculus – Shanti Narayan.
3. Differential Calculus – Dr. B. D. Sharma.
4. Differential Calculus – Das and Mukhajee.
5. Integral Calculus – Rahman and Bhattacharjee.
6. Integral Calculus – Abu Eusuf.
7. Integral Calculus – Das and Mukhajee.
ডিফারেন্সিয়াল ইকুয়েশন অংশের জন্য
Reference Book(s):
1. Ordinary and Partial differential Equations – M. D. Raisenghania.
2. Differential Equations – M. L. Khanna.
3. Differential Equations – B. D. Sharma.
4. Differential Equations – P. N. Chatterjee.
ভেক্টর এবং ম্যাট্রিক্স অংশের জন্য
Reference Book(s):
1. Vector Analysis – Dr. Muhammad Abdus Sattar.
2. Vector Analysis – M. D. Raisinghania.
3. Martices and Linear Transformations – Mohammad Iman Ali.
4. An Introduction to Matrices – S. C. Gupta.
5. Matrics – Frand Asyres, JR.
EEE-Sec-A: Physics
1. “A Text Book of Optics” by – Brijlal and Subramannyam
2. “A Text Book of Sound by - Brijlal and Subramannyam
3. “Waves and oscillation” by - Brijlal and Subramannyam
4. “Physics part-I by - Resnick and Haliday
5. “Physics part-II by - Resnick and Haliday
6. “A Text Book of Heat and Thermodynamics” by – Brijlal and Subramannyam
7. Electricity and Magnetism - K K Tewary
8. Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism - Haque and Rafiquellah.
9. A Guidebook of Engineering Physics - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-A: Basic Fluid Mechanics
Text and Ref books:
1. Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications – Robert L. Daugherty, Joseph B. Franzini, E. John Finnemore, Publisher – Mc Graw-Hill companies, 8th edition, 1985.
2. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics – Robert W. Fox, T. Mcdonald, Publisher – John wiley and sons, 2003.
3. Fluid Mechanics – Frank M. White, Publisher – Mc Graw-Hill, 1979.
4. Engineering Fluid Mechanics – K. L. Kumar.
5. Fluid Mechanics-by Victor L.Streeter E. Benjamin wylie.
6. Fluid Mechanics through worked out problems- By Md. Quamrul Islam & A.C Mondal.
7. A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics - R. K. Rajput
8. A Guidebook of Basic Fluid Mechanicss - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-A: Engineering Mechanics
Text and Ref books:
1. Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics – Ferdinand P. Beer, E Russell Jr.Johnstone, Publisher – Mc Graw-Hill Companies, 5th edition 1988.
2. Engineering Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics – Joseph F Shelley, Publisher – Mc Graw-Hill, 1980.
3. A Guidebook of Engineering Mechanics - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-A: Thermal Engineering
1. A Textbook of Thermal Engineering - R. S. Khurmi
2. Thermodynamics - an Engineering Approach - Younus A. Cengel
3. A Textbook of Engineering Thermodynamics - R K Rajput
4. Engineering Thermodynamics - P K Nag
5. Introduction to Thermal Engineering- J. P. Vasandani
6. Refrigeration And Air Conditioning- Ahmadul Ameen
7. A Guidebook of Thermal Engineering - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-A: Elementary Electronics
1. Microelectronic Circuits – Adel S. Sedra & Keneth C. Smith; Oxford University Press.
2 Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory - R.L Boylsted; Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.
3. Semi Conductor Circuit Approximation - Albert P Malvino; Tata McGraw- Hill.
4. Electronic Devices and circuit – Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias; Tata Mc Graw-Hill.
5. Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology – M. M. S. Anand; Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.
6. Op Amps & Linear Integrated Circuits - James M. Fiore; Delmar Thomson Learing.
7. Operation Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits- Robert F. Coughlin; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
8. A Guidebook of Elementary Electronics - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-A: Elementary Electrical Engineering
1. Introductory Circuit Analysis - R.L. Boylestad; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
2. Introductory Circuits for Electrical & Computer Engineering - James. W. Nilson; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
3. Basic Electrical Engineering – Fitzgerald; McGraw-Hill International.
4. Electricity and Magnetism - Mary Atwater; McGraw-Hill.5. Introduction to Electrical Engineering – Robert P. Ward; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.6. Introduction to Electric Circuits – Richard C. Dorf & James A. Svoboda; John Wiley & Sons Inc.
7. Alternating Current Circuits- Russell M Kerchner and George F Corcoran; John Wiley & Sons.
8. A Text Book of Electrical Technology- B. L Theraja and A K Theraja; S.Chand & Company Ltd.
9. A Guidebook of Elementary Electrical Engineering - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-A: Properties and Mechanics of Materials
1. Physical Metallurgy - Avner
2. Material Science and Metallurgy - O. P. Khanna
3. Strength of Materials - Singer and Pytel
4. A Guidebook of Properties and Mechanics of Materials - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-B: Measurement and Instrumentation
1. Electrical Electronics Measurement& Instrumentation - A.K. Sawheney; Dhanpat Rai & Company Private Ltd.
2. Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instrument – Golding & Widis; Wheeler Publishing.
3. Electrical Measurement and Instrument – Oliver Cage; Widis Wheelers Publishing.
4. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques- Albert D Helfrick; Prentice Hall of India private Ltd.
5. A Guidebook of Measurement and Instrumentation- S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-B: Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Poweer
1. Principle of Power System - V. K. Mehta; S. Chand & Company Ltd.
2. Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution - Singh S.N; Prentice Hall of India.
EEE-Sec-B: Semiconductor Devices
1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory - R.L Boylsted; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
2. Semi Conductor Circuit Approximation - Albert P Malvino; Tata McGraw- Hill.
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits – Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias; Tata McGraw-Hill.
4. Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology – M.M.S. Anand; Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.
5. Op Amps & Linear Integrated Circuits - James M. Fiore; Delmar Thomson Learing.
6. Microelectronic Circuits – Adel S. Sedra & Keneth C. Smith; Oxford University Press.
EEE-Sec-B: Network Analysis
1. Introductory Circuit Analysis - R.L. Boylestad; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
2. Introductory Circuits for Electrical & Computer Engineering - James. W. Nilson; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
3. Basic Electrical Engineering – Fitzgerald; McGraw-Hill International.
4. A Text Book of Electrical Technology- B L Theraja and A K Theraja; S.Chand & Company Ltd.
5. Introduction to Electrical Engineering – Robert P. Ward; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
6. Introduction to Electric Circuits – Richard C. Dorf & James A. Svoboda; John Wiley & Sons Inc.
EEE-Sec-B: Computer Fundamentals
1. Computer Fundamentals - Peter Norton.
2. Digital Systems - Toccy
3. Digital Logic and Computer Design-M. Morris Manno.
4. Digital Computer Electronics - Albert P. Malvino, Jerald A Brown
5. Modern Operating System- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
6. Operating Systems – William Stallings
7. Database System Concepts- Abraham Silbeschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sundarshan
EEE-Sec-B: Power System Analysis
1. Elements of Power System Analysis-William D. Stevenson; McGraw-Hill International.
2. Electric Power Engineering Handbook – L.L. Grigsby; CRC Press.
3. Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution - Singh S.N; Prentice Hall of India.
4. Electrical Power System – Wadhwas; Willy Eastern Limited.
5. Modern Power System Analysis – IJ Nagrath and DP Kothan; Tata Mc Graw- Hill Publishing Company Limited
6. Power System Analysis– J. J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, Jr; Mc Graw- Hill International Editions.
7. Power System– Behic R. Gungor; Technology Publications
8. Electrical Power System – Ashfaq Husain; CBS Publications & Distributions
9. Principle of Power System – V. K. Mehta; S. Chand & Company Ltd.
10. Modern Power System Planning – X. Wang and J. R. Mc Donald; Mc Graw- Hill International Editions.
11. Power System – J. B. Gupta; S. K. Katarin & Sons.
12. A Guidebook of Power System Analysis - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-B: Control System
1. Linear Control System Analysis and Design. - John J.D. Azzo &Constantine H. Houpis; McGrawHill International.
2. Modern Control Systems – Richard C. Dorf and Robort H Bishop; Pearson Education Private Ltd.
3. A Guidebook of Control System - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-B: Telecommunication Engineering
1. Digital Switching Systems - Syed R. Ali; Mc Graw Hill international.
2. Digital Telephony - John Bellamy; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks – Thiagaraj an Viswanathan; Prentice Hall of India.
4. Telephones and Telegraphy – S.F. Smith; Oxford University Press.
5. A Guidebook of Telecommunication Engineering - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-B: Power Station
1. Power Station Engineering & Economy - William A. Vopat; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers CompanyLtd.
2. Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution - Singh S.N; Prentice Hall of India.
3. Power System - Behic R. Gungor; Technology Publications.
4. Electrical Power System - Ashfaq Husain; CBS Publications & Distributions.
5. Principle of Power System - V. K. Mehta; S. Chand & Company Ltd.
6. Electric Power Engineering Handbook - L.L. Grigsby; CRC Press.
7. A Guidebook of Power Station - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-B: Switchgear and Protective Devices
1. Switchgear and Protection– Sunil S. Rao; Khanna Publishers.
2. Switchgear Protections and Power System – Sunil S. Rao; Khanna Publishers.
3. A Guidebook of Switchgear and Protective Devices - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-B: Electrical Machines
1. Alternating Current Machines - A.F. Puchntein T.C Lioyd; John Wiley & Sons, Inc Newyork.
2. Electric Machine and Transformers – Irving L. Kosow; Prentice Hall of India.
3. Electrical Machinery Fundamental - Stephan J. Chapman; McGraw-Hill.
4. A Course in Electrical Machine Design- A. K. Sawhney; Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
5. A Text Book of Electrical Technology (AC, DC Machines) – B.L Theraja & A.K. Theraja; S. Chand & Company Ltd.
6. Magneto Electric Devices - G.R. Slemon; John Willey & Sons.
7. Electrical Machines - George McPherson & Robert D. Laramore; John Wiley & Sons.
8. Electrical Machines - Nagrath and Kothan; McGraw-Hill.
9. Electric Machinery – A. E. Fitzerald, Charls Kingsley & Jr; Stephen D. Umans; Mc Graw Hill Book Company
10. A Guidebook of Electrical Machines - S. M. Talha Jubaed
EEE-Sec-B: Microwave Engineering
1. Microwave Devices and Circuits - Samuel Y. Liao; Prentice Hall of India.
2. Foundations for Microwave Engineering– E. Colliong; McGraw-Hill International.
3. Microwave Engineering - M.Pozar; Addision Wesley Publishing Company.
EEE-Sec-B: Electromagnetic Theory
1. Engineering Electromagnetics – W. H. Hayt Jr & John A. Buck; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
2. Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics - Simon Ramo; John Wiley & Sons. 3. Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetic - D.K. Cheng; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
Doc is Prepared By:
S. M. Talha Jubaed
Founder and Director
Royal Engineering Academy, Rajshahi.
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
University of Rajshai
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