CMJ University

Course Name Duration Eligibility Fee Degree Departments
M. Tech (Taught) in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) 2 years B.Tech. / B.E. / A.M.I.E. / I.E.T.E. / B.Sc. (Engg.) / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M. Tech (Taught) Information Technology (IT) 2 years B.Tech. / B.E. / A.M.I.E. / I.E.T.E. / B.Sc. (Engg.) / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M. Tech (Taught) Electronics and Communication (ECE) 2 years B.Tech. / B.E. / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or M.I.S. / M.I.T. / DOEACC ‘B’ Level or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M. Tech (Taught) in Mechanical Engineering 2 years B.Tech. / B.E. / A.M.I.E. / I.E.T.E. / B.Sc. (Engg.) / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M. Tech (Taught) Civil Engineering 2 years B.Tech. / B.E. / A.M.I.E. / I.E.T.E. / B.Sc. (Engg.) / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M. Tech (Taught) Electrical Engineering 2 years B.Tech. / B.E. / A.M.I.E. / I.E.T.E. / B.Sc. (Engg.) / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M. Tech (Taught)Electronics and Electrical Engineering 2 years B.Tech. / B.E. / A.M.I.E. / I.E.T.E. / B.Sc. (Engg.) / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M.Tech (Taught) Automobile Engineering 2 years B.Tech. / B.E. / A.M.I.E. / I.E.T.E. / B.Sc. (Engg.) / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
MTech –Integrated (Civil, Mechanical , Electrical , Electronics & Telecommunication , Computer Science) 5 years 10 +2 with (PCM 50% ) Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
MTech –Integrated (Civil Mechanical , Electrical , Electronics & Telecommunication , Computer Science) 4 years Diploma Engineering in relevant stream Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
B.Tech (Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical /Leather Technology/ Automobile / Metallurgical / Electronics and Communication Engineering / Electronics & Electrical/Computer Science & Engg./Information Technology/Food Processing Technology) 4 years 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
B.Tech. (Bio-Technology / Bio-Informatics) 4 years 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Biology or Mathematics or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
B.Tech (Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical / Automobile / Metallurgical / Electronics and Communication Engineering / Electronics & Electrical/Computer Science & Engg./Information Technology/Food Processing Technology) Lateral entry to III Semester 3 years Polytechnic diploma of 3 years after 10th class from relevant branch Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
B.Tech. (Bio-Technology / Bio-Informatics) Lateral entry to III Semester 3 years Polytechnic diploma of 3 years after 10th class from Computer / I.T./ Software/ Electrical / Electronics / Telecommunication / Bio-Chemistry / Chemical / B.Sc. (Bio-Technology) Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
B.Tech Integrated (Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Chemical / Automobile / Metallurgical / Electronics and Communication Engineering / Electronics & Electrical/Computer Science & Engg./Information Technology/Food Processing Technology) 5 years 10th Board with 50% Marks a)Rs 12000.00/upto 4 sem.b)Rs 25000.00/5th to 10th Under Graduate Institute of Technology
Diploma (Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Nano Technology /Architectural Assistanship / Mining /Chemical / Instrumentation Technology / Automobile / Metallurgical / Electronics and Communication Engineering / Electronics & Electrical/Computer Science & Engg./Information Technology) 3 years 10th Board Rs. 12000 per sem Diplomas Institute of Technology
BTech Automobile 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech CSE 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Civil 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech ECE / ETCE 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech EEE 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
B.Tech MECH 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech EE 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Instrumentation 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Information Technology/Information Science 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Env Engg 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Chemical 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Biotechnology 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Biomedical Engg 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Industrial and Production 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Industrial Engg and Mgt 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Medical Electronics 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Mining 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
BTech Year 1 4 years 10+2 in Science stream Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
Diploma in Civil Engg 3 years 10th Board Rs. 12000 per sem Diplomas Institute of Technology
Diploma in Comp Sc Engg 3 years 10th Board Rs. 12000 per sem Diplomas Institute of Technology
Diploma in Electrical Engg 3 years 10th Board Rs. 12000 per sem Diplomas Institute of Technology
Diploma in ECE 3 years 10th Board Rs. 12000 per sem Diplomas Institute of Technology
Diploma in Mechanical Engg 3 years 10th Board Rs. 12000 per sem Diplomas Institute of Technology
MTech Environmental Science and Technology 2 years B.Tech. / B.E. / A.M.I.E. / I.E.T.E. / B.Sc. (Engg.) / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
Diploma in Electrical Engg Lateral Entry 2 years 10+2 in Science stream or Diploma in Engg 1st year complete Rs. 12000 per sem Diplomas Institute of Technology
MTech Aeronautical Engg 2 years BTech or its equivalent in relevant stream Rs 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
BTech Aeronautical Engg 4 years 10+2 or its equivalent Rs 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
MTech Chemical Engg 2 years BTech or its equivalent in relevant stream Rs 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
BTech Multimedia and Animation 4 years 10+2 with Science Rs. 25000 per semester Under Graduate Institute of Technology
B Arch 4 years 10+2 with PCM Rs 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Design & Architecture
M Arch 2 years B Arch Rs 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Design & Architecture
B.Tech. (Electrical) 4 10+2 40000 Under Graduate Institute of Technology
MTech Biotechnology 2 years BTech in relevant stream/MSc in relevant stream Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
Diploma in Civil Engineering Yearly Scheme 3 years 10th Rs. 24000 per year Diplomas Institute of Technology
B.Tech. (Computer Science) 3 years Polytechnic diploma of 3 years after 10th class from relevant branch Rs. 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
M.TEch Environmental Engineering 2 Years B.Tech. / B.E. / A.M.I.E. / I.E.T.E. / B.Sc. (Engg.) / M.Sc. in the relevant branch or its equivalent Rs. 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M.Tech. (Mechanical) 2 Years BTech or its equivalent in relevant stream Rs 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Design & Architecture
M.Tech. (Computer Science) 2 Years BTech or its equivalent in relevant stream Rs 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M.Tech. (Electronics and Communication) 2 Years BTech or its equivalent in relevant stream Rs 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Technology
M.Tech. (Civil) 2 Years BTech or its equivalent in relevant stream Rs 25000 per sem Master Degree Institute of Hotel Mgt & Catering Technology
M Tech Electrical Engineering 2 Years B Tech, BE etc... 50000 Master Degree Institute of Technology
Diploma in Automobile 3 Years 10+2 20000 Under Graduate Institute of Technology
B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication) 4 Years 10+2 with Science Subjects or its equivalent Rs 25000 per sem Under Graduate Institute of Technology
Master of Valuation (Real Estate) 2 Year Graduation in any faculty 8500 Master Degree Institute of Technology
B.Tech Metallurgical 4 Years 10 + 2 with Science Subject 40000 Under Graduate Institute of Technology
B Arch-L 3 INTERMEDIATE 40000 Under Graduate Institute of Technology
B.TECH(CIVIL)-L 3 YEARS Polytechnic diploma of 3 years after 10th class from relevant branch   Under Graduate Institute of Technology
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ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ম্যাথমেটিক্স নিয়ে চিন্তার দিন শেষ ! এখন শুধুই এ+ প্রাপ্তির চিন্তা ! এমন চিন্তা হবেই, যদি সাথে থাকে গাইডবইটি । সুন্দরবন কুরিয়ার সার্ভিসের মাধ্যমে সংগ্রহ করে নিন গাইডবইটি ফুরিয়ে যাবার আগেই !
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